with so many important things to accept risk for, risking instead for ego, for gratuitous epicness, no, sorry, i don't even begin to understand how is that supposed to be "cool". its, you know, to each their own. i'm not going to condemn anyone for it, as long as its only their selves that they're risking, but cool? how? why?
Because he has Skills Ability and the courage to do what he Does !! In my Book that makes him Cool ! You dont think so well thats ok but you did ask !
likewise that's fine. i replied to this thread because it asked the question. my idea of cool, is someone who builds a shack out in the woods and lives in it by himself, and whatever nonhuman creatures choose to befriend him. i'm not saying its evil to have balls (i'm sure i can easily be misread that way). what i AM saying, is that for my taste, western dominated culture, is just a wee little bit excessively obsessed with the idea of epicness.
id say stupid instead of cool who's going to pay his medical if he falls...why should society foot the bill for thrill seekers
Past the first few incidents and encounters with ledges, I'd imagine he's completely lost his fear of it. One human slip up and he could die. To each his own? I guess.
Dont Think for one Micro second That Guy can be classed as an Idiot ( But I Have no Idea what you guys think ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KPU7DWRe1Y&feature=youtu.be
what has he created with his own hands or designed with his own mind? sorry, but those are the only things that impress me.