So last night for whatever reason this forum crossed my mind. I used to hang out on it constantly over a decade ago. I read through some of my old posts, and they were so incredibly embarrassing and horrifying that it was really hard for me to connect myself to the person that wrote them. I guess I was just a real lonely and angry kid. So I guess I'm sort of embracing this nostalgic curiosity (I'm amazed I was able to retrieve my password, haha), and wanted to see if there are any folks from back then still around here. If so, I probably owe you an apology! haha. It's interesting for me to think about what a weirdly big part of my childhood this message board was, and I'm wondering if anyone else can relate. I'm also really glad this site still exists and basically looks the same! haha -Tristan
Welcome back. It doesn't look the same to me... There's lots of ppl still around from the old days. And now they're all old... like me. Funny how many ppl. from back then have asked to have their posts removed. Those are the ones worried about spouses or employers seeing what they wrote when they were kids. Who cares? Ppl are judged way too much by the crap they post online...
Been here for a long time, had embarrassing posts.. I'm older, over it, glad I remembered the login, and yeah it does look the same.
Do NOT be hard on yourself Tristan. We all get pissed off and say things we later regret now and then.
haha I know what you mean :daisy: reading back what I wrote over a decade ago is strange. Time changes, we were young :crowngrin:
"Growing old(er) is compulsory - Growing up however, is for those whose yearning for Adventures has waned into apathy ... keeping the faith and flying the flag" (even if it is a bit worn now) - "That's the way"
I can't believe how long I've been here! Four years or so...And yes I've made some major boo boos...I sometimes reveal too much personal detail,as in being a mixture of closet/extrovert.But hey it's all forgotten by tomorrow.Better out than in I say.
We all make them - and (speaking from personal experience) opening mouth (/writing in haste) before engaging brain But as Bobby Goldsboro sang in "Honey" - "What the heck" - old posts can make one - l o l
I also haven't been on here for a while, it's good to be back, and I am glad I am not the only one who gets embarrassed looking back on old posts!
I am as well..and to be's a good feel feeling..hippies stay youg in their heart...because they remember this song... for all you...not a memory perhaps?but..for's a live song...and always will be...It belongs to the true spirit of this forum..
I know this is call hip (hippie) forum BUT hippies haven't existed for like 30 years or more. Any wanna be hippies are pretending. Now a day hippies are totally pretending like they heard their mommy and daddy stories .... they can't be repeated. I'm sorry I'm a member her on hip forums but hippies don't exist today ~~~ Wake Up ~~~~ you are too fuckin late!