we got some new 3rd party stock in today that I had to have a laugh at. I work at a distributing warehouse that ships off cans, bottles, containers and buckets of "muscle juice" and nutribolics type bullshit. Got this new product today "Defcon 1" states it has "tactical focus" ingredients. Another product said "ultra mood enhancer" along with your fat burning and energy kick. Had to have a laugh and the poor young kid straight up says about the Defcon 1 brand "oww sick packaging". Flavored powder, fancy label = a best seller. Designed simply to attract, I reckon the same thing about energy drinks too, they're all flashy and marketable. So keep your eyes open for this magic formula hitting the stores soon, lose fat, boost your metabolism "ultra" and keep your head in a better mind frame while you do it. :rofl:
Oh man, I'd agree for the most part. Part of why I ended up with his job was for the fact I'm not into it, or not a gym junkie. Got told by the boss that you don't want them blokes running a warehouse because they steal and don't do any work too busy comparing products. I'm not into any of it so I just pack and ship off orders like a champ. I did try one product though which was a nutribolics fat burner and metabo kick and my mate made me a double strength and said I'd be bouncing off the walls. Well it worked though, felt like I'd had few energy drinks, I was starving all day too even after eating and it felt like I was running on adrenalin all day. Dunno if that shits healthy for you but it certainly worked to what the label says. We have a new product in now but I can't remember the brand, it's meant to be stronger and the label states "don't not take on an empty stomach" every other label says "taking without eating may result in nausea". This just says don't take empty. Yesterday we threw out approx. 120k of product out of date. Some cyclo-rem bullshit, reeked of fish oil. 6kg tubs of muscle juice you look at the nutrition and the label should just say "diabetes powder".
It's tempting I'll give you that. You know those little satchels that are meant to keep products fresh? In September we through away 45k of stock because they were missing in the containers. Product was fine but the powder turned to concrete which meant you had to slap it against the walls or the kitchen bench or whatever you know something a body builder would squish in one hand and turn back into powder. That was a little difficult for the customers and apparently a big nuisance when selling from a store to customers so it went in a dump truck pallets of the shit mate. We get free stock occasionally with sample packets and mini products. Protein bars are alright I think. Free shits cheaper than going to the servo for a snickers.
yeah i know what you mean about the satchels. the powder is like crystals so if a little moisture gets in there it kinda solidifies. if your cool with your boss maybe you could just tell him u want to keep some? or do it mafia style and just skim a little from the top lol!!
A good whey protein powder, creatine, and the branched-chain amino acid leucine are really the only supplements worth the money when it comes to building muscle. Most of the stuff marketed to bodybuilders is garbage, and probably does a lot more harm than good. You don't need any of that shit to build muscle if you're doing the rights things, like keeping your diet in check. It's 99% marketing.
I dont mess with supplements but i drink a whey protein shake after i work out. Reduces soreness the next day. Also protein builds muscle. Eas brand chocolate flavor is the only kind ive tried that tastes good
Prostar Whey and Casein Are probably some of our more popular products. The warehouse smells sickly sweet too from all the flavors. There's a section with Anabolic State, Anabolic Window and IsoGainers all in watermelon, grape, tropical, fruit pash etc. and it has the sweetest scent. I tasted some grape anabolic state the other day and near blew my nose to pieces it was strong. Can't imagine the artificial flavors going on for supposedly no sugar products.