I have a barbell running through the rim of the head of my penis... so it's in-line with the length.. i didn't think this would hurt as much as it did.. i've broken bones, been stabbed, blown up..... this by far hurt more than anything........ So right after i got the piercing done, i got a hard-on like OD on Viagra style.... i had to walk around with my shit sticking out like a flag pole..... it didn't go away for about 3 hours or so. It's worth it now... but dammmm
I have 3 Dydoe piercings that I did myself and IMO my industrial hurt worse and it wasn't a big deal. That being said, I think one of the dydoe piercings went straight through a bundle of nerves. In both a good and a bad way. Initially, when I wasn't aroused, it was an annoying over sensitive type of pain. When I was aroused, it helped restore some of the feeling I'd lost to nerve damage and helped my DE. Unfortunately now it's desensitized, I mostly keep them and my PA for my wife. Occassionally a guy will take notice and comment at a public restroom or people will notice when I get out of a public pool and my shorts are plastered to me. In those instances guys tend to say or have a facial expression of, "Ouch...WTF." and women have a , "Well hello there.", look. LOL
I love it now... but the dude that pierced it ... said it's gonna hit nerves when he does it... n wow did he..... but so worth it