Anyone Else Getting Ready For A Long Winter In Maine?

Discussion in 'U.S.A.' started by AboutTreePhitty, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. AboutTreePhitty

    AboutTreePhitty Members

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    I'm preparing for a long winter in the cold, snowy state of Maine and I don't have a lot of friends in this area (I'm originally from down south and I'm mainly looking for people to chat with to pass the time while I'm stuck indoors.
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    try engaging in conversations elsewhere in the forum .. location traffic is super slow.
  3. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    Glad I don't live up there! You guys have winter FOR REAL!! XD I'd love to visit some day though. Preferrably in the summertime?

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