I can barely stand to follow our politics in this nation. How would we change that, and do you have to be in it to affect change?
Neither can I, It's pretty fucking grim. Honestly, I think change will just come with time. Of course, that doesn't help those that the current situation is affecting. This fetishisation of cynicism is unsustainable. The politics of hope may be out of fashion, but with a new generation who grew up seeing where their parents obsession with a mythical past got them, looking to the future will be back in vogue again. The last election proved that no matter how cynical people are about millennial, young people are more politically engaged and active than ever, and totally disillusioned with the establishment status quo (and not in a "so let's elect a bigoted rapist as a joke" way). We just have to do our best in the meantime to make sure that the mistakes of their parents don't totally fuck them. We're about to enter a new political climate. People are arguing about principles and ideology, not just petty party politics and minor changes in tax levels, it's no wonder you've got a politically engaged youth for the first time. That said, you're also going to see the rise of the far right, and the lefties are going to have to get their house in order if they're going to meet the threat. Do you have to be in it to affect change? Fuck yes. It's not enough to just vote in ever GE and think you're making a difference, you have to protest, campaign, register dissent. Join a group, join a cause and do your best to engage others.
Election Night Reporting needs to be 'Something completely different' - like = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVI5ZOT5QEM
Not just UK...I tend to find politics a bit gloomy in general. But then I hear Zeman or Orban, and then I feel hope, at least for a moment.
I don't pay attention to the politics outside of the U.S., which surprises me when those outside of the U.S. pay attention to U.S. politics.
Whilst it's true that one pay more; if not sole attention to the Political landscape on the 'home' front, sadly, the words, actions and influences that one Nation (wherever) have a bearing on swings, roundabouts - and in quite a few places, slides - of many other countries 'abroad' - and the consequences thereof
I think it's always been a rather daft tug of war, it's just that nowadays we can no longer escape as easily due to the pervasiveness of 24/7 news & social media.
Can't agree more but due to the fact that no matter how much you follow another countries politics there really is minimal effect you can have on them, short of being a major political figure from your country.
Yes, UK politics are depressing slightly above average It's also for a part because of the citizens though, lets be honest. Many people are interested in international politics. Why would that be suprising, just because you aren't
There is a lot going on at the mo ! Some people find that depressing , The media has a lot to do with that ( here and abroad )
Ah yes the Media = "No one (really) knows what it's like 'Behind, Head Lines" - Unless they choose to investigate further - Hence the importance of, "Education, Education, Education"
It's all a huge mess no doubt, but personally I don't let it get to me. There are many other areas of life other than politics. No point in becoming depressed about things over which you have a very insignifcant influence at best.
It is really really important to keep abreast of what is happening in your country because like it or lump it government policy affects us all. Unfortunately in Britain most government ministers spin everything into a "we do this for you the people". Clearly goes down like a lead balloon with the more savvy members of the populace. Is it depressing though? Absolutely!!!!!!! The government is using every trick possible to keep the working class in trouble and is underfunding the NHS, education etc. using that fucking awful and meaningless word "austerity" as a fucking excuse to get away it! The thing that saddens me the most is the "well what can we do about" attitude of the majority of people! A lot of these "austerity" measures have been introduced over a number of years so have crept up on people but on returning to the UK in 2014 after 14 years away I was absolutely disgusted at what had and what is going on!
Well, what can we do about it? Vote, protest, sign petitions. Hard to see what other kinds of action could be taken. The majority are obviously happy enough with the tories, or they wouldn't have voted for them and for more of the same. Maybe next time they'll get voted out, but I'm not betting on it. If anything is depressing it's the fact that even a lot of people directly affected by austerity don't seem to understand the situation. They blame immigrants and the EU for the problems, because that's what the right wing press tells them, and has been telling them for years.
What can we do about it? Open our eyes and look around. Open our ears and really listen to what is being said. Don`t just take what is printed in your daily rag of choice as god given truth. Most importantly look at the bigger picture not just at whatever sticks in your craw re immigration, EU policy, Jeremy Corbin or whatever! I personally think that JC is a breath of fresh air and I see nothing wrong with wanting equality and a fair crack of the whip for everyone.