Wasn't sure if this should go into this or the health forum but my question is: Can anxiety induce intense tightness in the chest? I won't go into detail here but suffice it to say that I had to stop workin' for a while today because I was experiencing tightness around the center of my chest & havin' a hard time breathin'. Shortly before these symptoms presented themselves I was faced with somethin' that made me exceptionally anxious. Hopin' the two are connected but not sure. Any thoughts or input is appreciated
Anxiety can definitely cause that tight feeling and shortness of breath (dyspnea). If you were gettng it regularly, might want to get it checked out to be on the safe side.
Yeah it can do all sorts to your heart. I know this tightness you speak of, though I always feel it was more of a panic/shock feeling. At the moment my heart has a pause and I'm not sure what to do about it and tbh I'm too afraid to google for answers. I'll see a doctor about it the next time I go to one. I'm sure they'll send me off to someone who know.
absolutely. high enough anxiety levels can cause adrenaline release, which can cause tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, vomiting and a host of other issues. (which will often increase your anxiety levels) I've experienced this personally. although, never hurts to get the ticker checked out anyway. but yeah, anxiety can absolutely do that.
Anxiety only increases blood pressure, but the body never allows it to make the heart puplatate only jump which is why it feels tight. Like a scary movie, but because of this recent girl u mentioned in another post that this girl u mentioned in a post set ur seratonin n dopamine up. Because you can’t have her ur serotonin (happiness) will be dropping as I mentionen . You need to go for a drive to a resort for a day or two n not sit in the house before depression hits
Actually go to the doctor first before the resort trip it’s coming down quite fast, especially since your getting plenty of sun vitamin yes go straight to gp it’s coming down to fast
Avoiding chemicalized/processed foods, raw foods, and anything served cold helped reduce anxiety for me. If you are in the US or Canada and don't have access to healthcare, you could try calling 211 or visiting 211.org