Where is the anti-war movement these days? The anti-war movement had a huge voice back in the early to mid 2000s, but where are they today? It seems like since around 2008 or so, the anti-war movement has been silent, even though the US government continues to slaughter innocent men, women and children all the time abroad using your taxpayer dollars. What has changed between then and now? Is warlike aggression and mass murder against foreign populations, often in the form of unmanned air strikes, acceptable only as long as there isn't a Republican in office?
Yeah, it's pretty perplexing how a person who has blood on their hands can be awarded such a thing, but to me it's simply testament to how backwards the world is and how everything is basically doublespeak taken right out of George Orwell's writings. Yet there are still a lot of people, including people on these forums, who will defend everything Obama does, even though he is doing everything the last president (who they hated) did, but even more overtly.
We’ve come to accept the fact that the war will never end, it will just go on and on for generations to come. There will always be another enemy Hotwater
It was never about protesting the deaths of thousands of innocent families and children. It was only about rooting for their favorite team all along.
I have noticed, just from the new hires where I work, that the current generation seems pretty much oblivious and apathetic about current events. All conversation is about video games, popular music, the new iPhone, The Voice (insert any TV show here), Kayne West, Facebook "likes", etc. And of course, complaining about having to work. Maybe we need to bring back the draft. I wouldn't support that of course, but I sure bet there would be protests.
I think it's largely about following the status quo among the flock you most identify with. Most anti-war protesters are in it for ego and image. Since a Democrat is in power, it isn't as cool to protest at the moment. When a Republican takes power, it will be cool and trendy again. No doubt the media also plays a big role in popular trends like this. Yep, these are all opiates for the masses and serve as great distractions from reality. The rise of Facebook and cell phones has really played a huge role in further distracting and propagandizing the public. Perhaps something like a reinstatement of the draft would awake the sleeping masses from their slumber. Sadly, people don't care too much about things until it impacts them directly.
The UK still has an anti-war movement: http://www.stopwar.org.uk/ I don't know if there's an equivalent in the States? If not, someone should start one.
What would be really interesting is to watch people getting up to the minute Facebook posts from their drafted friends on the front line.
People probably stopped caring when they realized troops werent coming home by the dozens every day in body bags. The vietnam war started in the 50s but no one really paid it any attention until the death toll reached a certain point. Plus the media actually reported on the Vietnam Warm. Journalism is dead in America now.
it seems to me, they've been generally given for several decades now, mostly to people in a position where the rest of us would like them to be great peacemakers. peace is 'made' by not making war, and it can be argued that he didn't start any of the visible ones. but i would agree that's kind of a weak argument.
The Nobel peace prize was given to the man who invented TNT. Sometimes it is seen that those that invent methods giving security to the west are peacemakers. I do not think most that argue against war know much about the militaries buisness. It's ugly that people die in horrible ways on any side. But anitviolent methods don't always win wars themselves. There are huge cultural differences that make people less moved by psychological operations. Don't fool yourself thinking that because you like peace war wouldn't hurt you. Best you could do is gain an audience and try to influence but I doubt those that fear and loath the west are going to be swayed.
^ Actually the Nobel Prize was invented by the same guy who invented the dynamite, Alfred Nobel. The whole Nobel Prize academy lost all it's credibility when they gave the prize to Henry Kissinger many years ago.
Ya don't quote all that I say, as I wasn't sure but did wonder if what you say was as it is. Didn't Kissinger stop the communist menace from dominating the world all by himself? Sorta joking here
Few of them really even cared. Some did, but I suspect for most it was just "exciting" to pretend to be against something. It was a political stunt. But don't worry, the moment the next Republican president is sworn in they'll fill the streets screaming and yelling like they did before. The feigned outrage will be epic. Unless of course Hillary wins. If she wins we won't hear another peep from so called "anti-war protesters" for at least another four years. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with protesters by any means. The fact they all simultaneously disappeared into a puff of smoke the moment of Obama's inauguration made it painfully clear not a single one of them really gave a rat's ass. Except Cindy Sheehan. Sheehan was a true believer, but in the end she was standing there all by herself.
Just because the slaughter of others is not directly affecting you, doesn't mean there are not acts of war occurring. But your comment highlights how most Americans think. Out of sight, out of mind.
Well when are you protesting, PR? When you get your anti war protest organized i'll come join you. Or are you more of an out of sight out of mind person too?