Sadly, this new venue of hatred has been in the news quite prominently the past several days, especially today. Cornell and NYU have been mentioned quite a bit here; there has been vandalism, harassment, threats, computer hacking, bullying, and other senseless acts of ignorant hatred. This, of course, is all due to the Gaza war. Recall the vicious, deadly pograms in Russia, more than a century ago? The Jews that fled to this country over a century ago wanted to live in a land where they would no longer be afraid of being attacked.....or killed......simply because of their religion. Now, sadly, it seems as though we have gone full circle....and it is not pretty. What is happening to society (what is left of it)? Is ignorance and hatred totally overtaking peace, love, and tolerance? It's indeed both terrifying and sobering, to say the least.....and no end seems to be in sight.............
Just heard on the news that hate crimes against Jews in this country alone are up nearly 400% since last year...........sickening.................
This is what happens when you stuff 'the ball gag of political correctness' in the mouths of all your politicians. Our countries are run by wimps too scared of cancel culture to tell the people what's really going on. So you get morons out demonstrating in support of evil terrorist states. We got poor Justin Trudeau here stuttering and stammering and nearly crapping his pants over a simple question.
thing is anti-semitism never went away its ever present, just check out places like storm front and whatnot
Too many people confuse (or use as a weapon) anti-semitism with the perfectly legitimate right to voice an opinion on what the state of Israel is doing in both the West Bank and the Gaza strip!
India is considered to be the only country on earth that has never persecuted its jewish population. However after Israel was formed, many Indian jews had sadly left India for Israel. Jews comprise only 0.2% of the world's population, but their share of Nobel prize winners is 110 times their proportion of the world's population. I attribute this to their genetic potential derived from being an ancient civilization and excellent work ethics. They seem to prosper wherever they go and prosper their adopted region as well. If the Arabs and Europeans do not want the Jews in their midst, they are always welcome in India though.
A lot of anti-Semites in America are Christians who are appalled that the Jews deny that Jesus is God's son. It makes me wonder, don't they realize Jesus would condemn anti-Semitism? Wouldn't Jesus want his people to encourage others to accept Christianity through love and not hatred? In other words, WWJD? All religions teach tolerance of those different from you, but all too many "religious people" don't get that, whatever their religion. They're convinced that their way is the only way to salvation, and they can't tolerate those who don't share their viewpoint. They can't just say, "Okay, it's your loss.", and move on. Thus the others become the enemy.