Anthony Kennedy Quotes.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jimbee68, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    Anthony M. Kennedy was associate justice of the US Supreme Court from 1988 to 2018 . He was appointed in by then-President Ronald Reagan as a moderate. His party affiliation has always been Republican.

    "Asking questions is an essential part of police investigation. In the ordinary sense a police officer is free to ask a person for identification without implicating the Fourth Amendment."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Larry Dudley Hiibel v. The Sixth Judicial Court of the State of Nevada, et al.).

    "As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Lawrence v. Texas).

    "First Amendment freedoms are most in danger when the government seeks to control thought or to justify its laws for that impermissible end. The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Ashcroft V. Free Speech Coalition).

    "A judge sometimes must release a criminal. He doesn't like it, she doesn't like it, but the law requires it. And the context of an election in which you are 'soft on crime' betrays a misunderstanding of the judicial process and a misunderstanding of the Constitution."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (interviewed by Bill Moyers).

    "We must never lose sight of the fact that the law has a moral foundation, and we must never fail to ask ourselves not only what the law is, but what the law should be."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (quoted by Richard C. Reuben).

    "A prison that deprives prisoners of basic sustenance, including adequate medical care, is incompatible with the concept of human dignity and has no place in civilized society."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Brown v. Plata).

    "Prompt DNA testing would speed up apprehension of criminals before they commit additional crimes, and prevent the grotesque detention of innocent people.”

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Maryland v. King).

    "The nature of injustice is that we may not always see it in our own time.'

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Obergefell v. Hodges).

    "The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true. This is the ordinary course in a free society. The response to the unreasoned is the rational; to the uninformed, the enlightened; to the straight-out lie, the simple truth."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (United States v. Alvarez).

    "No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than they once were."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Obergefell v. Hodges).

    "No one questions the validity, the urgency, the essentiality of the Voting Rights Act."

    —Justice Anthony Kennedy (Northwest Austin Utility District v. Holder).
    scratcho likes this.
  2. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    Yeah. Like I said, he waited till 2018 to step down. Because like Sandra Day O’Connor he was waiting for a Republican president to fill his vacancy. That really doesn't make sense because every Republican SCOTUS nominee after H.W. Bush was an ultra radical conservative. (But at least they were qualified.)
    scratcho likes this.
  3. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    We need a judge like him NOW.

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