annoying fire whistles, horns..

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by deleted, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    wtf towns still have this annoying fucking fire signal, horn, whistles.. wake the fucking neighborhood up cause some atard had a fender bender @ 2am. its 20 fucking 13, soon to be 20 fucking 14..

    get some goddamn technology already and leave the dogs alone.

    I feel so bad for the dogs that ears are harmed by this annoying fucking things.

    That goddamn horn isnt going to get the volunteer out the bed any fucking more than his PHONE .. Its stupid. as stupid .. fucking conformity whistle..

    rant.... :sultan:
  2. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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    Our guys usually keep thier sirens off during the late hours, unless they have some traffic to get through.
    Once at the scene, there is no need for loud anythings

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    The Local Fire Station Had Pagers At Least 30 Years Ago...:)

    Cheers Glen.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    you misunderstand..

    its a whistle horn on the building. Its like a tornado warning horn. its loud. you can hear it across the river.. Like air raid. it a wtf is going on whistle that need to be curbed.
  5. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    I have a ole time siren. I had it on my old jalopy but I took it off, I need to get it back on there it's fun.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    That Siren Stopped Here 30 Years Ago, And All Firemen Were

    Issued With Pagers Telling Them Where The Fire Was,

    So They Could Drive Directly To It And Not To The Station...:)

    Cheers Glen.
  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I dont know why they havent the same., but its seems to me, the ahole behind the whistle just roars it to be an ahole. there is no reason for it. I live some distance away. but still, its rather annoying to hear all the dogs over the hills wake up from silence...
  8. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    I live a block away from our fire station and it is pretty much noise 24/7. Some of it I can actually sleep through.

    As a driver though, I am amazed at how many cars do not pull over and stop to let them get by to the emergency. If my house were burning down I would want them to be able to get there fast.
  9. FireflyInTheDark

    FireflyInTheDark Sell-out with a Heart of Gold

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    Best part :D

    We had one of those in one of the towns I lived in. There were like 200 people max in this town. There really was no reason for the FD to have an air raid siren. They could probably hear it in the next county. My bf at the time, who was really into zombie movies and stuff like that, almost shit himself and hit the deck when he heard it the first time. Was pretty hilarious.
  10. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    It’s no more annoying than when the nuclear power plant tests their evacuation siren scaring the shit out of folks thinking it’s the fucking the china syndrome [​IMG]

  11. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    train whistle wakes me up all summer

    nearest tracks are roughly 15 miles away a light sleeper
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    this. everywhere else i've lived, everyone pulled over for emergency vehicles. when i moved out here, i actually had to ask around and find out if pulling over for emergency vehicles was somehow not a law in this county.

    also yes on the train whistles. if you can't figure out not to go around the crossing gates and avoid the huge monstrosity flying at you with all the bright lights on it, an obnoxious horn that wakes up the entire town isn't going to save you anyway.
  13. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    i could hit the train here with a golf ball. maybe even a wiffleball.
  14. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    wow my distance estimation in miles sucks...i just used google and the tracks are only 2.7 miles as the crow flies...but it takes like 10 minutes to drive so i thought it was farther
  15. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    This is why I think the northeast in general is behind the times, even the urban areas to a degree. I haven't even heard of this except in 80s movies.
  16. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    they become a kind of background music. what is annoying is the sound of other people's televisions and radios. that is the REAL noise pollution.

    i would much rather listen to trains going by or even cars.
  17. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    dont get me started on those boom boom car boom boxes.
  18. farmout

    farmout All who wander arent lost Lifetime Supporter

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    Noise is not a problem way out here in the woods. Nearest neighbor over half mile away.....
  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    yes, that is how we should all be able to live, those of us who choose to, and why anyone would choose anything else is beyond me.

    but survival in today's age, at least in public transportation poor, otherwise rich countries, like the u.s., means, if you're not already wealthy, indenturing yourself to a vehicle, and again in the u.s., it pretty much means indenturing yourself to the bank for a piece of land too.

    i am aware that workarounds to this do exist. though they are easier if you are young and healthy and willing to accept the risk of beautifully constructed, harmonious with nature, methods of shelter, being torn down for being out of code. among the several other factors involved.

    i feel at my age, confined to urbanized areas, by the shortage, and often complete lack, of public transportation, any place else.

    even in the u.s., this has not always been as much of a problem as it is today. even as recently as when i was growing up. though that's 50 years ago now.

    i envy people who were born and can live in parts of this world where public transportation is abundant.

    or, as i once was, young and healthy enough, to get by, with a beat up old pickup truck and a tent or camper shell.

    the one regret in my life was missing the chance to buy land when i might have been able to.

    and yes, i grew up in the woods, in the sierras in northern california.

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