And Another Noob...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by VanillaGuerrilla, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. VanillaGuerrilla

    VanillaGuerrilla Guest

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    Hello All..
    I'm sure everyone looks forward to meeting someone new that has no idea what they're talking about... [​IMG]

    Anyway, have been listening to a lot of podcasts about psychedelic drugs and it's got me really interested in trying mushrooms and/or LSD, not at the same time of course. I'm middle aged, approaching 50 pretty soon, and I've never tried anything before. I have a lot of reasons for wanting to try them. I'm told it will break down your ego and eliminate your fear of death. Being in mid-life crisis mode I think about death a lot, and wonder how much time I have left. Some may find it silly, and perhaps it is. I'm retired from the military and a retired cop, so my life has been very "straight laced" and I've never thought outside the box I've lived in. I'd like to know what's out there before it's too late.

    My main issue dealing with my wish to experiment, if that's the proper word, is that I live on a tiny U.S. Territory in the south pacific. I really don't know what goes on here, except pot (which I also want to try), heroin and meth, which I will not try ever. I dont know who to ask, and I'm totally willing to travel to find what I'm looking for.

    So if anyone has any advice, it would be appreciated. In the meantime, I'll learn what I can where I can and hope that I'll find the right path.
  2. TAZER-69

    TAZER-69 Listen To Your Heart! Lifetime Supporter

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    The name you picked is going to be a little bit confusing to say the least. Welcome and good luck.

    GLENGLEN Banned

    Likes Received:
    My Guess Is You Are The Same Person Who Has Been

    Making All Those Gorilla Threads Of Late, If That Is Indeed So, I

    Suggest You Leave Via The Nearest Available Exit,

    If Perchance I Am Proven To Be Wrong,

    Then I Welcome You To HF's...:)

    Cheers Glen.
  4. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    I would suggest you start over and make a new account under a different user name.
    There is a VanillaGorilla here that you could be easily confused don't want that believe me... you really don't...

    Otherwise welcome!

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Cheers Glen.
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    one post wonder user. wont come back.

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