Amp and Dextro Advice

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by hahaha04, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    So basically someone gave me these pills 30mg adderal IR (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine).

    I have taken such pills before. I am not looking to get high from them. Not a fan of that at all, but I am in the middle of finals week and think that this may aid me in studying and tests.

    How much should I take you think for this situation?

    And if i recall snorting is awful.

    In past have taken 90mg or something of this shit. But for studying usually take 30 or maybe less. And probably just pop it what do you guys thinks?
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    wont help you dude.. just make your situation worse. youll be to jittery to give a shit about anything as well confused..
  3. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    really? cause i've eaten adderal while studying and while taking test an it makes my retention better. i can recall thing i probably couldn't of sober.

    Hopefully I can figure out how to get some bud by the end of tomorrow.

    Would popping some of that, and then some Xanax be a bad idea?
  4. happydude_60

    happydude_60 Senior Member

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    Amen bro. I've been down that road and he's right. Stick to coffee. And weed reduces your short-term memory. Just get through finals week and then party your ass off.
  5. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    well i ate .5mg xanax this morning and 15mg adderal. i dont feel shit from either. lol fail!
  6. Mad Nok

    Mad Nok Member

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    When I was taking dexedrine (Pure dextroamphetamine), my normal dose was 10-20mg twice a day. Adderall made me far to jittery and mad when it wore of (L-amp?) so i switched to Dexedrine. I've been off all pills for a year (Financial reasons) but if your going to use it to study I'd try upping your dose by 5-10mg each day until your satisfied with the effects.

    I must warn you, the WD's are worse than they sound like. When I moved to FL, I weened myself off of zoloft and quit klonopin cold turkey because i could not afford to find a new shrink or fill any prescriptions. Zoloft was hard at first then i actually felt better by the end of the first week. Klonopin WD's were not even noticed, probably because i was smoking a shit load of weed. I weened off in the following order: First Klonopin, then Dexedrine, then the Zoloft.

    The WD's from the Dexedrine lasted for around a month, I just felt horrifically depressed especially in the mornings (when i normally take my first pills). I felt dull, uncreative and had totally zero self confidence, I probably didn't leave the house much that month. But that was after being on amphetamines for three or four years straight without any breaks for tolerance.
  7. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    not worried about withdrawals, thanks though. this is the first time ive even touched a amphetamine in a year or more, i dont like them at all, gave some of the ones i was given away, plan to give away the rest i didnt take.

    benzo withdrawal is hell. however i dont eat enough to go through those at all.

    I dont screw with psych meds such as zoloft and things, i may need em though, cause i am mentally ill, but cannabis seems to diminish many of the aspects of my mental illnesses.

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