America Divided

Discussion in 'Democracy' started by GREG OUDSHOORN, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. Turbowolf

    Turbowolf Newbie

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    I originally posted this as a reply to America Attacks but I thought it would see more response and provoke some clear thinking at this moment in time as a stand alone post. I wanted to share some truth about why we are seeing our nation torn apart. We are a nation of cultures and subcultures all trying to survive in a hostile manufactured paradigm of misinformation devised to keep you focused on working hard to pay them bills. However its not a REP / DEM thing we are up against. These divisions were put in place to make us think we all have a say, give us all someone to blame, and keep our focus on each others differences while deflecting our attention from what's really happening. Ever wonder why the Democratic party could care less for the unborn child but greet you with open arms once your born, and the Conservative Republican's couldn't bare to allow another abortion but will do F--- all for you once you are here. Can you say moronically ironic, now ask yourself why you have to pay for higher education in the great USA. Could it possibly be that it would be difficult if not impossible to fill the military quota for expendable bodies without the lure of an education a great many never live to realize if it was provided. And for those who believe we have a say so, consider that the Elites actually make both choices for you on who will run so no matter who wins most of them still win. Take the Democratic parties choice in the previous election where Burnie Sanders had the party momentum(and a shit load of financial ideas they hated) but they nominated Hilary instead. Don't take me wrong on this (I'm not prejudice) but a White Woman who lost the last election to an almost unknown Black Man had not one chance in hell to defeat a well known White Man Sorry but it is what it is the quintessential throwing of the towel into the ring before the bell was rung period.
    The problem here is that the Elites control every bit of info you receive so you only know what they want you to think and through a great deal of manipulation they are gradually undermining all of our freedoms and rights piece by piece. Facts are America lost WW2 because we failed to recognize the true Nazis are our Elites who financed NAZI Germany in the first place. Don't believe me, Google Prescott Bushes relationship with Hitler, Rockefellers act of treason providing the Nazis Tetra Ethel lead, The Business Mans Deal, Eisenhower's address concerning new world order 1/17/1961, and then Bush Sr's address about the NEW WORLD ORDER 9/11/1990. does that last date sound familiar?, And what the hell JFK's address concerning repugnant secret societies (think Skull n Bones here) and Central Banks with VAST CONSCRIPTION plotting to destroy the American ways 4/27/1961. CUZ its happening right now. The Vail of Satan's deception has now shrouded the sight of mainstream Christianity who now believe in and support a moral less lying deceiver of men's hearts, and sadly this includes my mother, two brothers, and one daughter.
    The jest of my post is that the Nazi Elites in this country in fact the world control you more than you realize, and they are untouchable by law, They are the puppet masters of our politicians who like Babies diapers should be changed often and for the same reasons. If we continue to drink the KOOLAID and support this current paradigm of Fear, Hate, and Mistrust of our fellow man we are truly lost because the ONLY way we win back our nations sovereignty is to put away our differences and work together to destroy the Elites death grip before its to late. Only United as One people working together can we undue their evil deeds and recover as a nation of WE the People and THEY KNOW IT, and its why they keep stirring the pot of hate.
    As a closing note on this post I would like to elaborate on my opinion of this lovely Covid nightmare the world is suffering with. It is quite likely this is also the handiwork of the Global Elites to crash all the world economies so the UNITED NATIONS can step in and save us think NEW WORLD ORDER with a new cashless world currency think the Beast from Revelations. Cuz like the Elites like to say never waist a good tragedy. And if you wonder how this could all transpire global Bankers created the CFR council of foreign Relations in 1921 to manipulate world events to their liking. They hold the leash of a 3 letter agency created in 1947 for this purpose, COVID. IN. AMERICA. I can feel all the cognitive dissonance brewing out there what a conspiracy nut case right. Those Elites got that programming response dead on. Drink the KOOLAID or Due Diligence the choice is yours. God Bless America BLACK, WHITE, BROWN, RED, YELLOW and PURPLE our hearts are all Purple
    Jason1231 and ~Zen~ like this.
  2. walkoflife

    walkoflife Some Assembly Required Super Moderator

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    With so much "old influential money" (think Rockafeller's, Kennedy's) still circulating in America, I can see some validity to your argument.
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  3. Turbowolf

    Turbowolf Newbie

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    please fact check me so you know for yourself. this is real shit thats happening and has been in play since the last Napoleonic war when Nathan Rothchild seized control of the British stock market overnight. The more you look the more you find. As a side note Joe Kennedy JFK's father was a bootlegger during the prohibition years but he was a decent American with good intentions. JFK and his Brother wanted to destroy the grip of the Elites on our Nation and they both paid the price for their honesty and patriotism. They were the last I am aware of to try.
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  4. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I'm hesitant...

    The OP is long, and from a new member; no offense to @GREG OUDSHOORN.

    I'm saving my energy for something less time-consuming. :)

    I'd argue that despite being multi-generational, old money has the same amount of influence as new money. ;)

    Just look at Tesla's (Musk's) Mars plans... :sunglasses:
    ~Zen~, walkoflife and wrat1 like this.

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