Please keep your eyes open for anything! 14 year old girl kidnapped during home invasion...close to where I live. Suspects sketches Ayvani Story Info: ~~~~
Two men pried the back door open as the family slept. The mother hid the family and called 911. The men found them and demanded money and jewelry. When the mother came up empty handed, the men stole this child from her mother and 15 year old brother. The men also shot the family dog that was running around barking during all this. Now, the men have demanded a $10,000 ransom for Ayvani's safe return.
It's going to be interesting to watch the truth unfold in this case. The girls mother was arrested on drug charges in 2012, along with one of the girl's kidnappers.
Something seems definitely off with this whole thing. I hope that it does not come to light that the mother was involved. Glad that the young lady is safe, that matters the most.
It is mixed up story. I've read, a couple of times, that the intruders were masked...Um, how did the mother give info for composite sketches?
Maybe; or maybe the accounts that said the intruders were masked are incorrect. The thing that keeps me from thinking the mother was involved is the fact that the intruders shot and killed the little dog.
Are these people rich? Who the fuck kidnaps poor peoples kids and demands ransom? Sounds kinda fishy.