Am I a conspiracy theorist?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by Coleco, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    Ok, so heres my beliefs:

    Human beings built the pyramids thru hard work,

    Aliens are not watching us, landing on this planet, or abducting anyone,

    The government is not watching me and if they were who gives a shit? What do I do that interests them so much anyway? If they were watching me in case I "slip up" and do something wrong why dont I have more speeding tickets?

    The worlds politicians are not a bunch of lizard people,

    There was no alien spacecraft crash at area 51 or roswell or whatever, it was a high-altitude balloon crash, and had creepy looking dummies that looked like aliens. It was a highly classified project due to the whole cold war and all so people who saw it were told not to say anything. What they saw looked like very alien like technology so these people went on to assume it was a spacecraft and spread all kinds of crazy rumors.

    There are no ghosts, and exorcisms are just people "playing games", paranormal stuff is all a hoax. The conjuring and the exorcism is based on "true stories" but they are highly exaggerated by special effects, and the way the story was told by the individuals who experienced what happened. Paranormal activity is all based on people seeing things in reality and interpreting them incorrectly. The things that happened in the conjuring involved the people all seeing "weird" stuff then getting the other family member all excited and eventually emotions and feelings start flinging back and forth till they all suspend disbelief to the point where they create their own reality. So when the mother in the conjuring got "posessed" she was basically just "playing" or over reacting to stimuli that felt paranormal, basically convincing herself that she was possessed when she actually was not. She truly believed she was possessed and always will, but in reality her mind was just playing tricks on her after the whole family was being amped up about all the paranormal "sightings" and stuff.

    Ouija boards are just a piece of wood and plastic, no spirits involved. Anything that is spelled on the board is OBVIOUSLY done by the people who have their hands on it...

    So... is my extremely "rational" view of the world and reality all a "conspiracy theory" to those who are "conspiracy theorists"? In other words, if you believe all the things that I don't believe, does that mean that I am the one who is irrational and denying what is obviously correct?
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    lol they can't watch everyone, people always so paranoid thinking that the government is listening to every word they say. sure they could watch you, this is called an investigation and they generally need a reason to investigate, they don't constantly investigate everyone, or else we would all certainly be in prison ;)

    the police are a very efficient organization tho, once they have an idea of who is doing a certain thing, they do have the time and resources to investigate that person. They are not god tho, and still have to follow due process. it may be possible to evesdrop on phone calls, as it is set up that way and the telephone company will allow it, however it is not possible to evesdrop on encrypted data connections.

    the government uses ignorance to instill fear .. think about that

    as for excorcisms and people being 'possessed', it's just mental illness
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    the united states is an open air prison.
  4. Justin_Hale

    Justin_Hale ( •_•)⌐■-■ ...(⌐■_■)

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  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    The general impression I get from watching some Alex Jones podcast and watching/reading other conspiracy stuff is that you would be a 'sleeping', misled citizen. Due to the nature of conspiracy often being covert, it seems many conspiracy theorists sympathsize with the general public and seek to 'awaken' them.

    Then I assume if you take many of those events at face value, you do not believe in any conspiring in regards to them.

    In either case, I don't think you'd be considered a conspiracy theorist.
  6. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    A very naive view. Humans can not watch but computers can. Software can be made to find whatever trends you want. It is very possible to decrypt most types of communication (not PGP currently) but most anything else. There is no "due process". Computers 101, if it can be made it can be broken.

    But you are right about one thing. Someone like you who accepts it all really has nothing to fear, they will not come after you. What point is there to that, you are already a good worker bee.
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    The order of the runes I follow is called the Elder Futhark and it is a flow of runes in a specific alphabetical order to the Norse at the time. Branch runes stem from this alphabet of 3 rows x 8 runes. I can read branch runes if they've been written in either German or English language but I wanted something a bit more encrypted for personal use so no one else could.

    My girlfriend and I created our own rows and runes in our own specific order.
    That makes our branch runes pretty damn hard to decipher. I won't say impossible, I believe a computer could crack it.. however they do those things, but to the untrained human, even if they're a guru in Norse, Saxon and Runes, they will have a very very very hard time trying to read our branch runes. =]

    Just thought I'd post this.
  8. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    computers can also be made to do things they were never "intended" to do. cell phones are computers, fuckin microwaves have computer chips in them too and i'm pretty sure you could program it to do other shit, most electronics have a debugging interface which is basically a UART serial port so you would have to solder some wires to the board.

    point is, I can make myself look like someone else, at least to a computer on a network. does this mean it's possible to frame someone for computer crimes? absolutely.

    the government is not god, and I refuse to give them that power. the power is mine. I let them see what they wanna see, the rest they don't get to see (and if they do see it, they don't see it as being associated with me) so everybody goes home happy ;)
  9. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    Even if computers can watch us 24/7 they arent cognitive enough to know whats going on. Are they going to pay a human being to go over 24/7 amounts of recorded data from a computer or camera to figure out what you were doing throughout the week?
    Someone would have to give up their entire life just watching movies.
  10. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I watched an episode of VICE yesterday on the high tech surveillance and 'METRO' police system they have going on in Camden, New Jersey and I must say that town basically looks like a police state from what they depicted. They have cameras all over and the police randomly approach people simply if they have been shown to be hanging around town for a few hours, even in broad daylight.

    Some of the citizens suggested stuff like "It's a crime to be walking while white" and "crime to be standing while black."

    It seemed in some areas the police outnumbered the civilians on the street, pretty sketch imo.
  11. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    That's scary.
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well some of the things you have claimed ARE just as unprovable. but you've got right most of it. ghosts, gods and the rest of it, should they exist, and there's really no reason for assuming that they can't, are not and cannot be PHYSICAL phenomina and thus not OBJECTIVELY observable, though the existence of not physical things can, to a limited degree, be experienced NON-PHYSICALLY.

    and it IS readilly demostratable that the pyramids and other great works of ancient times, did NOT require alien assistance to construct. this is not a reason to assume we are not or cannot be observed by interested parties from elsewhere.

    but you are absolutely right that they, again should they happen to exist, which in this case is at least as likely as not, cannot be credited nor blamed for humanity's own ingenuity and intellectual evolution.
  13. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I believe that much technology existed many millenia ago that was lost for whatever reason and not rediscovered until much later. Some things were discovered maybe but did not find practical use so they fell out of use. Many things can be discovered simultaneosly also, in different parts of the world by different people.

    I read something about how archaeologists had discovered ancient "batteries", very primitive clay pots with copper and another metal that produced an electric shock but since there was not much practical use for electricity at that time, and since people really didn't understand what electricity even was or electromagnetism the only use was some kind of religous experience provoked by being shocked by these things.

    It wasn't until the telegraph that the battery really had a practical use that the entire world was interested in.
  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    overwhelmingly most 'lost technology' is something of a fantasy. lost skill in clever ways of using relatively simple technologies are another matter. not entirely lost, but pretty much forgotten when easier and simpler ways of doing things, thanks to more complex tools, come along.

    sure you can make a battery with a clay pot, dissimilar metals and even a reltively weak electrolite, such as the carbolic acid in rainwater. piercing a citrus fruit with spikes of disimilar metals will generate a small but measurable electrical current. neither being on the order of sufficient energy to motorize anything. enough to send and receive morris code though.

    there are a lot of relatively advanced things that could have been done by some crazy tinkerer in ancient times, but not things like heavy lifting, which none the less can be done with counterbalancing and blocking with simple levers. and of course you get that pi relationship when mesuring with a wheel, and all that sort of thing.

    what happens is the average joe sixpack gives too little credit to independent and parallel development, which in reality happens all the time and always has.
  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Here you go"]Ancient Aliens Dendera Light Bulb - YouTube

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    "The Truth is out there" .... "Somewhere"! = "Over the Rainbow" ?? ;)
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    permit me to examine several of these in closer detail:

    "Human beings built the pyramids thru hard work"

    absolutely true!

    "Aliens are not watching us, landing on this planet, or abducting anyone, The government is not watching me"

    for the most part, none of these perceptions are entirely verifiable either way.
    abductions at least, are extremely unlikely to be anything more then extremely rare,
    and more likely to be conducted by human governments then people or governments from elsewhere.

    actually we DO know that GOVERNMENTS abduct people. this is called "extraordinary rendition".

    and every form of technological communication is to some degree monitored by someone somewhere.

    we know america's national security agency perceives itself to have a mandate to engage in precisely this activity. it is of course, not run by funny little green guys from some other planet.

    "and if they were who gives a shit?"

    for the most part, this. what IS disturbing, is what can and has been done, to anyone, for the reasons of some political agenda or another.

    "What do I do that interests them so much anyway?"

    most likely nothing in particular at all. we are each just one more needle in a ridiculously huge haystack they have made for themselves.

    "If they were watching me in case I "slip up" and do something wrong why don't I have more speeding tickets?"

    your driving habits, whatever they may happen to be, are a matter primarily of concern only to LOCAL authorities.

    "The worlds politicians are not a bunch of lizard people"

    again true and i love this. what the hell is with the prejudice some people seem to have against quasi reptilian sapients anyway?

    "There was no alien spacecraft crash at area 51 or roswell or whatever, it was a high-altitude balloon crash, and had creepy looking dummies that looked like aliens. It was a highly classified project due to the whole cold war and all so people who saw it were told not to say anything. What they saw looked like very alien like technology so these people went on to assume it was a spacecraft and spread all kinds of crazy rumors."

    i have no idea whether this is literally true or just another official cover story. what can be confirmed is that area 51, groom lake, nellis air force base, the land controlled by it consuming much of nye county nevada, is a landing site for the development of experimental aircraft, and whatever else the american military might have good and legitimate reason to wish
    not to broadcast the details of, while in experimental and highly speculative stages of development.

    while that would make it a good place, from a military perspective, for clandestine relations with similar government interests from other worlds, even if such things were to go on there, i am reasonably confident, this would be no more then a small and minor aspect of its function.

    as for contact with people from other worlds there, who knows. anything is possible. but if i were a government from some other world, is this the kind of contact i would prefer to make and have? this is somewhat doubt.

    "There are no ghosts, and exorcisms are just people "playing games", paranormal stuff is all a hoax."

    these are again a bunch of things lumped together, pretty much unrelated to each other, and unrelated to people who happen to not look like us because their species evolved on some other world.

    i do question the use of that term "paranormal" there's nothing "para" about anything that exists, even should it exist non-physically and non-provably. there are things which are not reliable which neither are they disprovable. perhaps that is the intended meaning of the prefix "para". at any rate, yes, exorcisms and all the hocul pocus is completely bogus. though there certainly is psychosis.

    ghosties could be several of a number of things, none completely impossible, however unlikely they may seem on the face of it. spirit things can exist, our own true selves may be spirit things.

    at any rate, i fail to see how they would qualify as any sort of conspiracy.

    the exorcism thing as a scare tactic. one that was a fairly common form of political threat in the middle ages. just not in the sense of being literal itself. possession being something to accuse someone of, if you want village idiots to burn them at the stake.

    "ouija boards ..."

    again spot on. consensus of the subconscious of the minds of the people with their fingers on the point, when and if they're even trying to avoid moving it consciously.

    could their subconscious minds be affected by non-physical things outside of themselves? possibly. but not likely often, nor likely all that much at all. and even if they sometimes were to be, again why so much needless prejudice against something that is unknown, just because it is unknown.

    99.999 percent of everything that 'gotchas' isn't the unknown, but what is so comfortably familiar that it is taken for granted and not even considered.

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