Actual... buttons

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by zer0, Jan 15, 2022.

  1. zer0

    zer0 Members

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    Am I the only one who really misses electrical BUTTONS? Like real, clicky-clicky, tactile BUTTONS on electronic devices?

    Ever since smartphones took over the new ergonomic standard, buttons have been getting phased out in lieu of touch screens. I have big problems with that. Buttons give us sensory feedback so we know we've clicked something without looking at a screen to tell us. We feel an actual object move, we hear it click, we see it change states; that's 3 senses giving us feedback. You could be multitasking--dialing a phone while watching the baby fall down the stairs--or whatever. But with these stupid glass screen virtual buttons you have to tap, stare at the screen wait for the visual response to make sure you didn't tap the wrong thing, giving it your full attention. And heaven help you if there's a software glitch and the device is ignoring you. Tapping away on a piece of glass like a moron. Even with slow elevators you'd get the thrill of mashing that button 20 times and hearing it go clickaclickaclickaclicka

    This was honestly my biggest gripe with Star Trek TNG when all the enterprise controls were flat colored screens, I remember saying to myself "great show but that's so f** STUPID! Why would an advanced technological culture do away with sensory feedback? Well the joke's on me because it didn't even take 200 years for Apple to obliterate the button. ARGHHH

    /rant over. Gonna click Submit now. oops I mean 'TAP' Submit. I even hate the word TAP :mad:
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2022
  2. desert-rat

    desert-rat Senior Member

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    I don't care for the touch screen at by banks ATM machines . I normally need to hit them a few times. I still remember the old dial phones.
    zer0 likes this.
  3. zer0

    zer0 Members

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    lol that's exactly what set me off. Went to the bank machine and realized I was hitting everything at least 2 or 3 times before it took. Thinking I must look like an idiot to any aliens watching from outerspace: some weird animal smacking a rock over & over and getting angry :rolleyes:
  4. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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  5. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Ever since the advent of the touch screen, I find myself having more typos, and it's not always my fault. Some devices simply have very poor sensitivity for their virtual keyboards. And autocorrect usually sucks!

    Touch screens are also bug magnets. Ever since Covid-19 started, I've only operated public touch screens with gloves, which hampers me, because many screens simply don't react well to gloves. With physical buttons this is a non-issue. They simply don't care whether your fingers are gloved or not. I'm also pretty sure that even before Covid, I managed to catch the common flu from a dirty touch screen a couple of times.
  6. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    I have never seen a bad or broken dial telephone. Or Bell touch tone phone either. And that certainly rough tough 'telephone plastic' they used - you couldn't break one with a hammer... Soon, there won't be a real switch or button used on a car - and of course nothing will be user repairable. "oh, your heater touch pad doesn't work? We're going to need to replace the entire dashboard for $5000....

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