It can take into areas that for want of a better word I'd call 'tantric'. My experience is that it doesn't necessarily make you last longer, but the experience is deeper, and somehow transpersonal at the highest level. There are other drugs which will make it last longer if that's what you want.
It's a delicate subject. Because on acid you are in a state of non-ordinary perception. Certainly if you're in a relationship it could increase emotional bonding. But it can go beyond that. I don't really know how to describe it. In India and other places, they have traditions of using sexuality for spiritual realization or transcendence. It's maybe something like that. It's like getting absorbed into the essence of what sex is without the personal baggage. Like the yin yang symbol. I have never yet resorted to viagra. MDMA is one thing I had in mind.
People use all kinds of excuses. Lol. One time an Indian girl wanted me to take her virginity when I was 21 or 22, but I didn't. What an idiot I was!
MDMA and sex do not mix. You will wish you could get hard, you won't. If you did mix the Viagra with it maybe.
I've heard some people say the opposite. But then again, I've heard some people say acid is very conducive to sex, while others say that it makes sex feel very unnatural to them.
I think it depends on the purity of the e, the amount taken and maybe other variables, but I have had very good sex on mdma. I've heard others say they can't get a hard on with molly, but I found no real problem.
You ask questions to which it appears you already assume you have the answers. What's the point? For instance, you dismiss Indian tantra as just an 'excuse' for sex. I have no idea how much you know about this topic, so I can't tell if you're being just dismissive in a frivolous way, which I suspect is the case. We all have our own cultural prejudices conditioned into us. Sexual conditioning is one instance. Different cultures have very different takes on sex. LSD is a de-conditioning agent. At the same time, as Tim Leary said, it allows for re-imprinting. So maybe sexual re-imprinting is part of that. To assume that sex has only the functions of reproduction, pleasure and pair bonding may well be simply a construct of western monotheistic cultures. I don't think you're an idiot in the sense of a lumpen blockhead, because it's obvious that you have some intellectual agenda, and you obviously have opinions. That probably puts you in the top 30% or so of the global population in terms of intelligence. Maybe though you need to see that there is always more we don't know than we do know. Because of this reply I'll be accused of feeding the trolls. You don't seem to be a troll Richard - but you need to chill out.
Really? never met anyone who said that. I guess you are lucky. I like your bitcoin it is the future. I have done it a few times but I find I would rather do a lot of other things besides sex when tripping. When I tried one time my girlfriend all of the sudden got cat eyes and her face was morphing in a lot of crazy ways. That to me is sort of a mood killer to some people that is probably the start of a bad trip.
Sex on acid was hit and miss for me. LSD certainly is a catalyst for erotic feelings and thoughts but the visuals and Thought alterations kind of disrupt the flow of sex for me. I find sex on MDMA divine! I think it's mostly myth that there is a physiological impediment to not being able to get an erection or climax on MDMA.
um.. it's called the "love drug" for a reason. Worked for hours of some of the most amazing sex you could imagine. I suppose it was after the peak if that matters