when a soul finishes rebirthing cause it has reached perfection,(or purification as u prefere call it) what does it happen? where does it go? doest it stop rebirthing or what? anyone believes in this phylosophy? Luv TambGal
when a soul reaches perfection it no longer has its own self it emerges with the eternal now-ness or thus-ness it no longer seeks or craves or desires it just is perfectly content and therefor nullified. (imo)
I believe in that... I also feel that once a soul is in its purest form, that not only does it exists blissfully, but helps heal the souls that haven't yet reached perfection. (A way that just pure positive energy helps everything grow!)
yeah that's the same exact thing i was thinking! just wanted to know if anybody shared my same thought!
That seems kind of pointless doesn't it? To be and then not to be ... That would be akin to something from nothing wouldn't it?
i dont think anyone can achieve true perfection, their is also room for more experience and growth. the key is staying open.
I often ponder on this, searching for my own explanations But, my mind and soul give little information or solution Not because my 3 dimensional mind wont allow it, yet my soul has not yet reached this state, not even my spiritual guidance has reached All my soul and guide can give is a 'feeling of working towards', 'a desire for all to reach', a 'trust in a purpose' and 'a motivating sense of love' So yeah, in short, I trust that this question that tambourine and I ask, is shall I say, the answer. Or maybe, not 'meant' to be or incapable of being comprehended
I dont think you are reborn like the accepted reborn beliefs. Maybe you start all over when you die, like you go back to when u was born, like me April 12, 1988, ill go back to then, and start all over again, and have very few memories of living before and everything will be exactly the same, except I will have memories of it, or dejavu.