abortion and breast cancer

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by HuckFinn, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    I really, really HATE scare tactics in any form. And info coming from a site called "abortionbreastcancer.com" sounds like someone has a lot of time on their hands.
    I have heard before what Maggie said about breastfeeding reducing your risk, and it makes a lot of sense in a "use it or lose it" way.....all parts of our bodies need exercise.

    But really, scare tactics (and I smell one here) tell me that someone's arguement is on its last legs and they're getting desperate...
  2. HuckFinn

    HuckFinn Senior Member

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    The "All Women's Health Services" abortion clinic in Portland acknowledged that it failed to provide credible evidence of the breast cancer risk to one of its patients.
  3. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    IMO that would be like issuing a warning that masterbation causes a risk of blindness, on a basis that blind people admitted to masterbating.

    All they would be able to say is that having the pregnancy may reduce her risk of later developing BC. There is no where near enough research done to say that abortion itself increases risk. It is not about abortions, which sounds very much like you want us to believe. They also said there was no difference between abortion and miscarriage on a risk level.
    I also read in your link that being a younger mother increases the lower risk factor, but I doubt they'll be telling young girls to try and have babies any time soon.....

    So I believe you would just like the clinics to scare the women who go there, which is a horrible thing to do.
  4. HuckFinn

    HuckFinn Senior Member

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    Huh? The clinic conceded that it neglected its obligation under Oregon's informed consent laws to inform this young girl (15 at the time!) of the risk of psychological trauma and increased likelihood of developing breast cancer later in life as a result of her abortion. Keep in mind that this was in Multhomah County, a decidedly liberal pro-abortion stronghold. (It's one of the few local jurisdictions, along with San Francisco and New York, that defiantly began issuing gay "marriage" licenses last year.) If the abortion clinic thought it couldn't win its case there, then the lawsuit obviously had merit.

    No. I met the lawyer and the plaintiff from this case just yesterday at the Oregon Right to Life annual state conference. I specifically asked him what he found in his research about miscarriages. He said that they were very different from abortions. Evidently, miscarriages commonly result from a shortage of the same hormone that triggers breast growth during pregnancy.

    What is truly horrible is the way this girl was treated by the abortion mill. When she went in for counseling, she was visibly nervous. Instead of talking candidly with her, they gave her strong sedative and left her alone in a room with her boyfriend (who was pressuring her to have the abortion) while the sedative took effect. Then her boyfriend had to help her walk down the hall to the "counseling" room, where they rushed through the consent forms and scheduled her abortion. After hearing her story, I can fully understand why the abortion mill did not want to go to trial.
  5. cynical_otter

    cynical_otter Bleh!

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    Stories like the ablove one mentioned are exactly what discredits the anti-abortion movement.

    First off....this alleged abortion probably never happened or if it did, it didn't go the way the girl said it did....this was a fabrication made up either out of guilt and/or pressure by pro-life relatives or more then likely pressure from the girl's religious community.

    Having had an abortion myself and knowing many many women who have had them....abortions are NOTHING like what these pro-life scaremongers say they are like. NOTHING!

    The most caring,sensitive,and empathetic/sympathetic medical personel I have ever met were in a clinic(not a mill...stupid prolife rhetoric). They never sedate you unless you request(and pay for) sedation and the sedation happens ONLY when you enter the surgical room with the doctor, the nurse, and the anesthetist present. You ALWAYS talk to a certified psychologist before having the abortion and you can have someone with you and you may renig on the whole thing at any point. They are always calm,caring,and they use your first name when addressing you.

    I chose to be fully awke with only local when I had mine and my doctor was excellent. He talked to me,made jokes, touched me with tenderness, the nurse held my hand and also talked to me. No one ever made me feel bad, dirty,or wrong. I was never ignored or left alone....AND CERTAINLY NEVER sedated to make me more agreeable.

    An abortion in the state of Ohio is only $400 out of pocket. I could understand the fears of conspiracy if the procedure costed the patient a couple thousand dollars..but $400 in the medical world is chump change. The building upkeep, staff wages, and equipment cost more then that...abortion clinics rarely profit enough to make any conspiracy logical. And these days, any profits are spent on things like bullet-proof glass, bullet-proof vests,and extra security personel and metal detectors.

    Why? because these so-called prolifers have no problems with killing abortion providers and women seeking abortions.
  6. HuckFinn

    HuckFinn Senior Member

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    Sure, that's why the clinic agreed to a judgment in favor of the plaintiff.

    That might be your experience, but it is clearly not universal, according to the many post-abortive women I've known.

    Let me ask you something. What was the duration of your relationship with your abortion doctor?

    Not when the "procedure" is performed every 7 minutes.

    The owner of the Lovejoy Clinic in Portland personally nets ~$300,000 per year.

    As for conspiracies, it has also been revealed that Planned Parenthood routinely flouts the laws the laws that require reporting of suspected statutory rape:

  7. Sera Michele

    Sera Michele Senior Member

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    Huck, maybe you need to get to know more post-abortive women besides those on anti-abortion websites. The abortion clinic I visited was very professional, informative, made me visit twice before the abortion, speak to a counselor, gave me tons of info, made me really comfortable, gave me info on my options including adoption and gov't aid if I chose to keep the baby, did an ultrasound and let me keep a pic and everything.

    It has been 3 years since my abortion, I have had no regrets about the procedure. I have also known many women like me that have no regrets either. Not to say it wasn't a diffucult and trying decision to make for any of us, but I remain convinced I made the right decision.
  8. HuckFinn

    HuckFinn Senior Member

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    I was referring to women I've personally met.

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