This is for all of the Hillary haters, we have no choice, I'm not voting, and of course, Trump supporters. I'm going to do a thought experiment, totally off the cuff, a la Trump. I'll just say whatever words come to my keyboard, dam the torpedoes. I will try to imagine a Trump America based on what I imagine his polices will be once elected. I may get some of them confused or incorrect as he is all over the board, but what the heck I'm going to say what I feel. Trump people seem to like this approach. You can all join in if you want to.
wait wait one else enacts the policies they run on...why do you expect trump to hold true?
Now, before I was so rudely interrupted....... First we'll start with something easy. Trump has stated that he would go after the innocent relatives of terrorists. And kill them to teach the terrorists a lesson. So let's think about how this would work once Trump sits in the oval office. He gets elected and looks at some CIA, FBI, or whatever files and sees that Asban is a terrorist and has some family living somewhere. So he sends out the Navy Seals, or some such, to a foreign country. They zoom in in the dead of the night and snatch Asban's mother and father, his brother and wife and their kids. Remember they are innocent, haven't done anything wrong, and haven't seen Asban for...oh ten years let's say. So they whisk them off to some remote island and lock them up in a room. Now to get this to work Asban has to know what's going on. So Trump sets up a Facebook account...called (I don't know do you name face book accounts?). Anyway he posts something like, "Okay Asban give up or we're going to knock off your family." "You have 48 hours." Then he sits back and waits. Asban surrenders. OR...he doesn't. So Trump tells the CIA, or whomever, to pop dad. Pop! Pop is dead. Now Asban is going to want proof so we post a picture of his dead body on Facebook. Facebook closes his account so Trump sets up his own CIA driven site called......something or other nasty. Asban is shaken up...but still not convinced so he calls Trump's bluff. But Trump doesn't bluff so this time he'll show the bastard what's what. He orders the CIA to drag the old lady out there in front of the Skype camera and do her live on the internet. First she gets to plead to Asban to give up so he knows it's her. Still he hesitates. Pop! There goes mom. So skipping ahead dad's gone, mom's gone, Brother and wife are gone, and we're down to the little baby girl. Of course this is if he resorts to kidnapping to give the family and Asban a chance to repent. He could do it the easy way and just launch a smart bomb or cruise missile, drone, or hit squad to do them in without delay. That wouldn't get Asban to surrender as his family is already dead, but maybe if Trump goes after his Uncle or third cousin..... And of course the other Terrorist will immediately surrender to save their families. This is assuming of course that the international community wouldn't object to world wide kidnappings, uninvited excursions into sovereign countries, and murder by the U.S government. And what if some of the family members are American citizens? Or citizens of France, the UK, India, etc., etc? What am I missing here? Help me out. I'll address another one of his polices later.
The prophet explains that Trump will sound before a star, called Wormwood, will fall and affect a third of the waters..
Drumpf begins trying to deport Muslims. The Muslim community is outraged and refuse to go. Millions of people join the Muslim's cause and we all march to the White House, drag Trump out, and burn him at the stake while we stand around it in a circle holding hands and singing.
Trump would be beholden to the same international banking elite that Hillary would be. Politicians do a lot of talk while they're campaigning, little of which ever comes true once they take office. So, in other words, whether it's Trump or Hillary, the same people will be in control behind the scenes.
same way it works for every president. all campaign promises will be forgotten, and he will sit in his office signing what he's told to sign and making the usual mandatory public appearances.
Well to begin with there’s The Great Wall of America which will be built by the Army Corp of Engineers and funded by the Mexican Government. The problem is the 80 foot wall violates about a thousand EPA and Endangered species statutes and Trump will have to convince the Mexican government to front 10s of billions of dollars to build the 2000 mile great wall - Good Luck Hotwater
All good points people.....but onward. My thought experiment assumes that Trump actually does what he claims he will do. Remember everyone loves him, Putin loves him, he has a certain gene that drives him to succeed and he will make America great again. So let's move on to the temporary banning of all Muslims from entering the country. First of all, how long is temporary? Seems to me we'll be in conflict with radical Islam for a few more years, so I'll assume it'll be a ban for at least his first four years in office...if he isn't impeached by a bi-partisan Congress. Now how would that ban work? I see three points of entry, land, sea, and air. Simple. So let's take air travel first. I'm going to assume that other nations aren't going to help us on this. I can't see India with 172 million Muslims telling them they can't fly to the U.S. They're not going to screen their airline customers, they'll sell tickets to whomever wants them. Same with every other country. So that means we'll have to screen them as they disembark. How would we do that? Can you tell who is a Muslim by looking at them? Sometimes you get a pretty good idea but how do you know for certain? The only way I can think of is by asking them or by a full scale investigation of their past. We can't screen by country of origin as almost all countries have at least some Muslims. Jamaica, Greenland, and Kiribati look like they don't have many but that still leaves about 75 million people, total, a year we need to screen. So we have them fill out a form. Are you currently a Muslim? If they say yes we pull them off to the side, lock them up in a room and then book another flight out, back to their point of origin. But who's going to pay for that flight? Where are the planes coming from? We certainly can't expect the private airlines to absorb the cost or mandate that they screen for Muslims and refuse them tickets as that would GROW THE GOVERNMENT, it would ADD REGULATIONS, and of course LIMIT FREE TRADE. So we would have to let it fall to the military. I would suggest flights of C 130s. They could just fly over Europe somewhere and push the Muslims out the door. We would give them parachutes of course. It will cost a few bucks to feed all these people while they wait for deportation, and fuel for the planes and let's not forget the parachutes, but America will be safe. Okay, so that's air travel. Next is by sea. It's basically the same thing except we could do the screening right there on the ship and just refuse to let any Muslims ashore. This would apply to Merchant and Cruise ships. It fact it's much simpler cause they just stay on the ship and go back to where they came from. Finally land. Mexico is not a huge problem as we'll have that wall down there and we only need to screen at the check points. Again as people are walking across or driving, we just turn them around once we verify they are Muslims and send them back. Canada is a bigger problem as we have a vast open border to the north. So we can check at check points but we'll have to come up with a way to catch the ones that slip through North Dakota. More on that later. All this assumes that people are honest on the form. If not we will have to have some kind of harsh penalty for the offenders, so terrible that it scares the bejesus or beallah, whatever, out of everyone and they don't dare lie. I'm sure Trump could fit that into his torture policy somewhere. So that's that, pretty simple. Except for U.S. citizens. What if Ice Cube, Muhammad Ali, Shaquille O'Neal, or Fareed Zakaria, want to take a trip to Bermuda? Can they get back into the country or not? I'm going to assume they can as Trump did say he may make an exception for his friends. I guess it depends on who you know. Oh, and I almost forgot about the ones that slip over the Canadian border! I would suggest we simply have every U.S. citizen register their preferred religion. There would be an agnostic, deist, or atheist option also. Then we just give them a government card with the religion stamped on it...maybe a hologram would be nice. Any time you suspect a non U.S. Muslim is lurking about you could just ask them for their government I.D. The hologram would help stop counterfeits, if that doesn't work we'll just stick a chip into that card with your personal history on it. (This card will come in handy later on when we talk about illegal aliens.) I guess that wraps that one up. Comments?
Which proves my point. I don't know who he is other than some rapper dude. I think he may be a radical Islamic plant.
Sorry, I don't buy, Plenty of Islamic Peoples providing vital services in medicine / health care. Good people, who deserve a chance. Who deserve a lil sympathy,
Now we take up the deportation of 11 million illegal aliens from the U.S. (Trump claims 30 million). Disregarding the fact that illegal aliens generate $80,000 each in taxes over the amount spent on them by the government during their lifetimes, and the fact that they have a positive effect on the economy and jobs; Trump still wants to round them up and ship them out. So first of all how do we find them? Anyone with a visa or green card is okay, as they are registered. We need a way to find the undocumented ones and then give them the boot. It is clear that the illegal aliens are here because they are finding jobs here. So all we need to do is check the records of every employer in the country and see if they have illegal aliens on their payroll. Once we determine who these aliens are we round them up and put them in interment camps somewhere in the desert with lots of fences and dogs around them while we assemble a few trains of boxcars to ship them out. Meanwhile we prosecute the businesses and send a few CEOs to jail for breaking the law. This may result in a few bankruptcies, higher food prices, lower profits, and a stifling of the free market...and higher taxes for us..... but tough toenails. It will also vastly expand the government. Now we load them into boxcars and then just run the train at high speed across the Mexican border, I assume there are train tracks into Mexico. Of course not all illegal aliens come from Mexico, but they can deal with the oddballs themselves. (Maybe I'll work on this some more later...I'm not in the mood right now)
Well.... Hopefully he didn't build the wall across the train tracks. That's the kind of detail Trump always seems to get confused about.
Trumpy will most likely file for banckruptcy when he is half way through with the wall. He has a history of doing that...often!
I think he would be impeached. There was a thread recently about impeaching President Obama that had all these little flaws in his decisions that were technical violations of the constitutionality of the presidency or some such nonsense. I think people would throw Trump out on a technicality like that.
I hate to rain on this parade because I will be really embarrassed if Trump is our president, but as far as immigration goes the Obama admin has been conducting deportation raids for a few months. And we already keep illegal immigrants in basically what amounts to internment camps for processing. Our immigration system is fucked up without Trump's help. Bernie Sanders is the only politician running for president who has spoken out against the inhumanity of deportation raids. Just a side note: )