Hi all.. umm i just want to say that.. i dont know if im going to be online for a bit anymore..i will be occasionally.. but ive been feeling kinda down every time im on. A lot of things have been happening lately, some heartbreaking, some sad, and others have been wonderful experiances that i shall treasure in my mind for ever. I just want to say bye so if i do descide not to come on for a bit... ive not been rude and just gone. I'm going to be on for the rest of the night probably, then after this im going to say away for as long as i can (lol which may be anything from a day to a month or two) So if im back on tomorrow... sorry for making this post, and if im not... then i will speak to you all sometime. I will be at glasto, and beautiful days, and probably any meetups i hear of....also if im on msn and i dont talk... dont worry im not being mean i just dont feel my stomach wants to talk at the moment. Thanks.. love you all Llama love Fleassy xox
Fleassy, I will miss you loads! I know we don't talk one to one much, but you are complete sweetheart and your posts make me smile and warm inside. Huge massive hugs and kisses, and good luck with everything that happens to you, much love and fuzziness, mia xxxxxx
I am likewise with miabubble .. never spoken to you personally but in some small way you never fail to brighten my day...
nooo come back come back! me misses you already! havent spoke in ages! aww me loves you Hugs and purple pressies clairexxx
hey all thanks for wonderfull comments *pokes showmet into a cuboard n locked him in* I've decided to just give posting a break, back away a bit,i'll be reading and checkign up on u all make sure ur safe... but ive not had the heart to reply lately. maybey just a week away will help never know i might see something REALLYworth posting about
awww, take care!!! and taking a break is good sometimes....if you get to involved in something taking a break can clear your mind...so hopes to see you back soon