How is universal medical care not a basic right? And how would something basic like crappy public-school style medical care, like in the UK (for those who can't afford the good care), not be enough? Conservatives, MAGA or whatever you call yourselves now, when you answer these two questions, you can join the debate again.
Universal health care is proposed by those with an attitude of --"we're all in this together--lets make sure everyone can get affordable healthcare." Those who oppose are not suffused with empathy for fellow humans, but would rather figure out how to get a chunk of taxpayers money for themselves,IMO. Those opposed always say that they detest socialism ( UHC) and sometimes call it communism, even tho fire departments, public schools, police departments , the care of the national roads and bridges , social security, medicare, the military , etc are mostly workable socialist programs. Some corporations and many millionaires--billionaires avail themselves of loop holes enacted by their bought and paid for lackeys otherwise known as legislators. They feel the commoners should heft the weight of any --most taxation, as they are way above the rest of us. We, of course, need to basically--shut the fuck up--stay on the zombie treadmill--pay the outrageous and ever rising costs of EVERYTHING and be damn glad for what we're so graciously granted!
It doesn't seem to matter what social system you're in, healthcare gets screwed over by greedy crooked pieces of shit. Because humans in power are always greedy crooked pieces of shit. I was so pissed off at our healthcare, I opted out of organ donorship for the first time last year. They put a big ugly fence around our hospitals parking lot and that was the final straw. In the midst of a doctor shortage crisis and emergency room wait/closure crisis, our hospital administration thought a God damn fence was some kind of fucking priority. So the occasional big four wheel truck could drive over the curb and avoid a parking toll. If they're more interested in parking revenue than saving lives, why the fuck am I an organ donor? If it seems like they're trying to kill us by prolonging doctors and procedure schedules, to save a buck, why the fuck am I an organ donor? The whole system is fucked; to useless administration bureaucrats, to lazy overpaid overprotected union workers, to outdated university doctorial degree education programs. Who the fuck wants to grind themselves into a quarter million dollar debt, to become a doctor who spends 90% of their miserable day filling out insurance paper bullshit? The bureaucracy is literally killing us. We have the internet now, streamline this fucking bullshit already. FHUUUK!
Have you heard of Medicaide ? Medicaid - Wikipedia Medicare has deductables. Recipients must purchade a Plan D to complete coverage, Some Plan D's are almost Five Hundred a month. The US is in debt for 34 Trillion ; a driver of inflation.
How is universal medical care not a basic right? It is. It's called healthy living and lifestyle. Choosing to live in a healthier way. We have many family and friends who were born with health issues stemming from who knows where, they learned how to live in an environment that better aids their individual situations. Some moved to regions of the world better suited, some eat differently, others have to stretch more often, most must keep their bodies moving throughout the day until rest. Most discovered that community is a major part of their health and well being. I know in our area we share resources, insights, gifts and abilities to help others - community.
I’ve had the baseline notion that the government in this country couldn’t run a lemonade stand with any competence. And I’m largely standing pat on that. However, having experienced Medicaid in NYS, I’m shifting a bit. Maybe the feds can’t do it, but NYS does it well. When it works, it’s a big load off your chest and a big reason why I don’t go on and on about taxation in NYS. But that’s the thing. NY might do it well, but do other states? Not in Texas. Is the Fed going to run it well? Correct me if I’m wrong; but they run airport security at bare minimums, I don’t think they’re capable of running health care.
From: Wellbeing January 23, 2023 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A 57% majority of U.S. adults believe that the federal government should ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage. Yet nearly as many, 53%, prefer that the U.S. healthcare system be based on private insurance rather than run by the government. These findings are in line with recent attitudes about the government’s involvement in the healthcare system, which have been relatively steady since 2015. (Bold type emphasis by me). Since 2010, when the measure was first tracked, the public has consistently favored private insurance, with just one exception: In 2017, U.S. adults were evenly divided in their preferences. It seems that jcp123 hit the nail on the head with how the majority feel. There hasn't been that overwhelming surge of public opinion to move the needle. The divide does follow political parties with 26% of the Democrats, 50% of the Independents, and 83% of Republicans wanting it to be run by private healthcare providers....and no one has any clear answers on how to make all work. So it seems the talking heads just keep the status quo....
The same adminstration that wants to gut Obamacare because, "government in healthcare!" also wants to use its government muscle to deny healthcare to women and trans youth. This isn't about the MAGA crowd being against providing healthcare; part of their plan is to flat out deny it to groups deemed undesirable. Let that sink in. They want big government to outright deny healthcare to certain demographics. Not simply not provide, but ban.
Healthcare in America is a disgrace….there are too… few professionals. This country only has had since1950 to get ready for the baby boomers. But the health organizations kept the lid on the number of doctors to preserve wealthy doctors. But now there’s a wave of retiring doctors just when the demand skyrocketed. Now what? Obamacare was a good start towards universal healthcare but R-s prevented the next steps to make universal healthcare a reality. Instead R ‘s Think.that the profit of healthcare providers, big Pharma, and the insurance industry is the goal. It’s every bit as malicious and the previous poster said. And certain groups are indeed purposefully left out. The whole mess is really, really ugly.
The universe is a very big place. Planet Earth is a big place. Anyone who promises or advocates for universal medical care must answer first how they will extend it to every person on Earth. It's more than a misnomer, and beyond marketing puffery; it's an outright fib. There is no such thing as universal healthcare, and there never will be. The universe is simply too damn big. It isn't a basic right, because no one is prepared to provide medical care even everywhere on this planet, let alone throughout the entire universe. Drop the word "universal," and say what you really mean, and there will be a basis for legitimate discussion, compromise, sharing, and progress.