A few questions about porn and mastrubating.

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by DeathAndMilk, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. DeathAndMilk

    DeathAndMilk Members

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    Hello, i'm 19 years old and i've been mastrubating almost everyday since i was like 13-14, and most of the time it would involve porn.

    I've been hearing and doing research for a long time now, how porn just simply damages your brain and all and that it's addictive and just generaly bad for your mental health and i'm sure that it has done to me.

    More than a week ago i saw a video about "NoFap changed my life" and i watched and it sure did inspire me, since then i tried to stop mastrubating and watching porn, and i have succeeded that for 6 days, but on the 7th night i couldnt stand it annymore just did my thing (No porn though!). I could still wank without the use of porn, but my question is; is it a bad habbid to fap THAT often? I have no information about other guys my age doing such things, so is it weird or nah?

    (Here's some background on my life if you'd like to know: I have had 2 gf's in my lfie so far and both were in other country's and i did visit them aswell, only one though i had sexual encounters with (still a virgin). I'm not the most confident person but i'm working on that one! It's not that i'm specificaly searching for a new GF but i'd sure like to, but i dont have "allot" of "girl-friends" so that doesnt really help either, and i just dont know what i have to say to girls either).
  2. lmm00

    lmm00 Members

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    It’s obvious that it *can* cause problems but I think for most people it doesn’t. It’s hard to say with you still being a virgin. There are men who masturbate so much that they can no longer orgasm any other way (I think it’s called death grip syndrome). There are people out there who can only orgasm to porn and are no longer interested in the real thing.

    Myself... I’m a woman so things might be a little different but I watch porn almost every day and masturbate at least twice a day, sometimes more. I still very much prefer the real thing though. I don’t even think about porn on the weekends when my husband is home.
  3. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    I concur with Imm00.
    I am 50+ years old, and i can tell you from experience that porn/masturbating too often can cause problems.
    I was in a "dead" marriage for too many years and I resorted to porn and masturbation 4-5 times a week.
    After we finally divorced, and then later I met someone (now we are married) I had problems. I had trouble maintaining an erection, and simply could not ejaculate during intercourse. However I had zero issues with either masturbating.
    It took several-several months to get over the problem. I still sometimes cannot cum and have to finish with my hand. Thank God I have a very understanding and patient wife and we worked through it.
    Having said that, at 19 years old - your body is so primed for sex that it takes a LOT more to cause you issues. But the fact that you are concerned about it, in and of itself can cause more of a problem than the physical issues of jerking off too much can.
    My advice... slow it down a bit. Maybe just masturbate 3-4 times a week and more importantly - change how you do it. Reverse your hands, slow down the rhythm...use your left hand...make a baggie/sponge/towel toy etc. Don't do the same pressure/speed/hand all the time.
    All in all, don't worry about it...have fun...I am sure you will be fine with switching it up a little.
    DeathAndMilk and bigredinmass like this.
  4. bigredinmass

    bigredinmass Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    When I was your age (man I jate saying that but I digress), I jo'd almost daily. Sometimes more sometime less. I think that's fine. But my gereation did not have access to porn like we do now. We stroked to magazine pictures and maybe a VVR tape we got a hold of... I have read the No fap stuff too and agree that too much porn can overload your dopamine system, which plays a big role with erections. Dopamine is your reward circuitry to make want to go after somethung and reward you when you get it. Porn lets you 'get' the hottest girl (or guy, TS, whatever) at every click of the mouse. You train your brain for that quick turnaround. Then when you are with a real person, your brain says cool, next...But there is no next..it's a person, not porn. So you lose that excitement thst porn gave you with several hot bodies in one session.
    So yeah, beat off as needed just lay off the porn and use your head for fantasies and try to think about real people and real memories, dont think about a porn scene.
    BaldGuy87 and DeathAndMilk like this.
  5. waynedunn

    waynedunn Banned

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    Iv jerked of for years to porn or page 3 ;) but now just use my mind or picture a person I know and WHAM :))

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