A Cruel Reunion

Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Painunstable, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Painunstable

    Painunstable Members

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    When I was a child a man approached me with a thick accent, I could barely understand what he was saying, I thought he might be drunk. Eventually, I worked out that he was saying he might be my biological father. I thought the guy was crazy. Next time I see him he tells me he wants to take some of my blood for tests. I freaked out at the idea and ran away. I must of been 5 or 6 at the time, my memory of the events is murky. I asked my mother if what the guy was saying was true, and she said he was probably drunk, stay away from him. The guy shows up again and explains he wants to know for sure if he is my father and explains he knows my mum telling me her name, after talking with him I confronted my mum and she said she didn't know if he was my father.

    I vaguely remember a test being done and it coming back inconclusive. I could see that this was driving my mum and dad further apart, their arguments were getting more intense due to a man claiming to be my biological father. The reality I was born into was collapsing around me, my anxiety grew about the thought of losing the man I called dad, I got sick, my body covered in a rash and doctors said it was like my immune system was shutting down, I stopped talking for a few weeks. The next time I saw the man claiming to be my biological farther he said he knows I'm his son, he can tell from my facial futures, I tell him I can't make it work it's too much for me to handle, if I was to have any chance at a normal life we could not see each other any more, I started to cry, I hugged him and said I'm sorry, he got a bit angry, he left and stayed away, me and my parents never talked about what had happened.

    I take an uneasy few years through two different junior schools, and a senior school,before getting a job, and a few girlfriends, there were some ups and downs, I realized my current girlfriend was still in love with her ex boyfriend and that the relationship wasn't going to work out. Feeling down, I decide to take a walk by a local river to clear my mind, the sound of the flowing water helped relax me, and the exercise made me feel stronger. I decide to take a more secluded path, I just wanted to be alone.

    I hear the sound of someone crying, I continue up the path until I see a woman standing to one side crying, I notice further up the path there are two people arguing a man is aggressively shouting at another woman, a river of tears fell from her eyes, as sounds of distress mumbled from her mouth. I just kept walking. As I passed the distraught woman and the angry male I realized this was not your average domestic disputed, this woman looked terrified, I nervously said "I didn't see anything, I'm just passing through".and picked up my pace, In that moment I didn't care what happened to those women I just wanted to get out of there.The angry male screeches at the women telling them not to move, he then turns towards me & starts to jog after me. I turned around and said "stay away from me" he replied "I'll kill you".He caught up with me, his fist collided with my head and I fell to the ground, I just remember him shouting at me, I don't remember what he was shouting as I lay on the ground, I grabbed a knife I carried with me from my pocket shot up and stabbed him in the chest, he fell back, then came at me again, I stabbed him a second time in the chest, he realizes he's bleeding he looks at me in disbelief and says "you stabbed me" he gets angry and starts shouting "who do you think you are" he tries to attack me again, and I stab him in the chest again. I reply, I tell him my name, he starts crying in pain, holding his chest, Then he looks at me with tears in his eyes, he lowers the tone of his voice and says "I'm your brother.".
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    so? did he die?

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