Do you think that other peoples behaviour affects your rationale when dealing with things, I used to deal with problems in a nice polite way, hold discussions etc, that was back when people were normal, for example, if next door was playing music a bit loud you would pop round and ask them to turn it down, they'd appologise for it, turn it down and everyone was happy. Now people just don't care and in that situation nowadays you'd probably get told to sod off! In light of the way people are all 'me me me' I tend to be more aggressive when dealing with the idiots, has anyone else noticed their behaviour changing, after all, it's ok being nice and polite when talking to a sweet little old lady, but a lot of the slime on the streets these days only understand it when people are agressive to them.
I think I'm really mild mannered, but I have to agree that sometimes it's difficult. I consider myself tolerant of most things and others' opinions. People are very quick to throw jabs or are so polarized in their opinions that it makes conversations, particularly about differing views, near impossible. to go along with your example of the music, I work construction and we have a couple of guys on early in the morning with no one around. a woman overseeing part of the job who is hardly ever around took our picture this morning because we weren't wearing masks and sent it to our the big boss of the company. It was before 7 am, there were 3 of us and we were very spaced out outdoors. Otherwise we wear masks. I was like why couldn't she have just shouted to us, hey guys put your masks on. Instead we got "talked to" and our boss below the "big boss" got into it with them. Many people have lost that trait, just to talk to other people. It would have been simple. The three of us are really easy going and we would have put on our masks. It's hard to get under my skin but stuff like that does it.
Yes, if that woman was some kind of boss, or supervisor she should have called you out on it herself, when I was a boss my lads knew how I worked and believe me it would hae had to have been something major for me to report you to my boss, the problem I find these days is people want to have a title, supervisor, team leader, chargehand, whatever, but they don't want the responsibility that goes with it, if I was her boss and she'd have come running to me because a couple of lads were not wearing masks I'd have gone mental, at her, for not dealing with it, there's the old saying about keeping a dog and barking yourself, maybe she never heard of it. I once caught a young labourer smoking pot on one of my sites, now what I could of done, and should have done, was to report him to the office, he'd have been off site and out of a job within the hour, but no, that wasn't my way. I took him quietly to one side and reminded him of who I was, and also the drugs policy, I told him it wasn't on doing drugs in work and if I caught him again not only would I be informing the office, but I would also call in the police. Now it may seem a little heavy handed over a bit of pot, but it's dangerous if people are not 'all there' in the workplace. The young lad understood, he stayed off it and not only kept his job, but also put the word out of how I ran things, in effect by not having him sacked I had created a self policing work environment, nobody touched drugs at work and if anyone suspected anyone of doing it then they would stop them, if you can't be a boss properly then you shouldn't be one at all.
when it keeps me from getting enough sleep or robs me of thinking my own thoughts, that certainly does. along with screwing up the world for everyone generally. i don't think anything excuses choosing to be aggressively inconsiderate though, because a climate of that, a culture of that, is where authoritarian tyranny comes from, of which current examples are symptoms. and i don't think any gender, ideology, or anything is any kind of an excuse for that. i know sometimes it takes a display of anger to get some people's attention, but that's only justified when nothing else does. and only when its required for safety to do so. and often diverting someone's attention from their task at hand creates more risk then it might prevent. as for the mask thing, it is pointlessly inconsiderate not to be wearing them as a matter of course as long as this plague is going around. it needs to be something you don't even have to think about, like any other piece of safety equipment, like your hard hat. sure maybe you have a right to kill yourself, but not to kill someone else like with second hand tobacco smoke, or again, to leave an inconsiderate mess of your remains for someone else to have to clean up after. just some stray random thoughts, hopefully related to whatever the question was that i'm not sure i fully understood.
It must be a culture thing or something, there was a young lad moved in over the road from me, a real tosser living with his grandmother. From the get go he made it perfectly clear that he was going to do things his way and to hell with everyone else, if he wanted to sit in his car (a mobility one) at 2 in the morning with the radio blaring and the windows open, then he was going to do it, you don't like it, well tough! Polite requests were made, words were had, nothing would get him to behave normally, when we were all getting up for work at 7 am feeling tired, he was still in bed, he didn't have a job. He really should have behaved better and not drawn attention to himself as this caused me to realise he was dealing drugs! As a result of his crass selfish stupidity, his grandmother has to walk everywhere (they took back the mobility car), they are on a behaviour warning off the landlord, and he's been arrested and charged with dealing drugs, and all because he was selfish and upset me and several others. I have a simple philosophy in life, I don't really care what you do, just don't inconvenience me or upset me by doing it, otherwise I will have you, he upset me, I had him simple as that
yup, there's one or several of those where i live. i don't know that much about their personal lives. i seriously don't want to. sometimes all you can do is remind people that they are shaming themselves and that the really don't have to keep doing so. we can't live each other's lives, but dam, i wish there was some way to not have to live in a city without having to indenture myself to a car, which i've had them and i'm really not interested in doing so. not that people are magically better out in the woods. just further apart and easier to not be robbed of our own thoughts by having to listen to.