"Study: eight percent of humans have chimp-like feet structure" http://www.wired.co.uk/article/bendy-chimp-feet pdf download of article https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwjPjd6E9fbRAhXhzVQKHe8FAMQQFgg0MAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpdfs.semanticscholar.org%2F0ad8%2Fae9f9b931e9e87d46426fe7edc1a1859cb0d.pdf&usg=AFQjCNH2pX0e8jdVJiBUk6O2gne5RoipSg Brief Communication: A Midtarsal (Midfoot) Break in the Human Foot Jeremy M. DeSilva,1* and Simone V. Gill2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 151:495–499 (2013)
This post rightfully belongs in the Barefoot forum under evolutionary biology or under classic TV shows "Hey Hey We’re The Monkees" Hotwater
i don't think any of us physically have cat-like feet currently. but the mutants who survive the ecopocalypse, which no unmutated human likely will, may have. not that any of us living now are likely to become those human descended mutents. but succesfull births during the ecopocalypse will be them, and they will be a tiny fraction of our human population now, and it is they, who shall inherit the earth, whatever our beliefs of lack of them now. other worlds' sapient populations of course, will likely have evolved along other lines then our own. sapience is sapinece, whatever forms evolved from. forms, from one world to the next, can be expected to vary crazily. whether we ever openly meet any of them, is still the really big if.
I thought of you when I read the thread title, oh Irms is going to love this one I'm going to go with we all evolved from parakeets, becuase why the hell not. There's a human - parakeet missing link just waiting to be dug up somewhere
Gorillas don't have very big penises though, I'm convinced one of my long lost ancestors got busy with a horse at some stage
Oh I jumped at the title but I also thought about this last night. I dunno about my calculations and probably way off but what if, those 8% were just monkeys? Do you think there's billions of monkeys or only millions? So 92% could still be human, the other 8% are just monkeys and that's why they have monkey feet.
Yeah, mine look like that Xmen movie, where he takes off his shoes and has monkey feet. 8 percenter here and proud
My feet are actually quite bony or you can see the bones. I think they're clean and smoothe, but I do believe the shape and the bone contorts pretty much tell you I liked to jump around and climb on rocks and trees when I was a kid. Hey maybe I am a monkey after all.
i don't believe anyone besides yourself is saying that any percent of us did. only that in the process of evolving we passed through a stage where we resembled other primates. as has been pointed out before, we share more then half our genes with a banana too. "tall and green she saw him standing there, with his feet planted firmly in the ground, his eyes pro-tru-ding like an-ti-lers, he was tall and green and round. why oh why cried her mother dear, must you love a plant, it will surely upset your brother dear, and greatly embarrass your aunt ..." sorry, i just, when someone tries to claim humans aren't animals, since that leaves minerals, vegetables, and disembodied spirits, and the latter have no physical form, and the former don't tend to be particularly expressive, that song is what comes to mind
neither does science. we've been there. no one else is saying that it does. no one who isn't dishonestly creating straw tigers just so they can claim to be tearing them down.