He got off way too lightly, should have recieved life in prison, men are such pigs. Its MTV and all that rap music, whats wrong with the kids of today, back in my day, you kissed a girl on the hand when you were 6, you got cooties
when i was in first or second grade a boy had his friend pin my arms behind a flagpole while he slobbered all over my mouth in what he apparently thought kissing was. i told my teacher and she didn't do anything. anything at all. weird thing, is that a friend from highschool, from a different town than the one i went to with the boy, randomly ended up marrying him. she added me on facebook and she has one of those HisNameHerName joint FB accounts and i was like :dizzy2: because there he was, that little fucking shithead who pinned me to the flag pole.
If it was my kid he wouldn't be going back to that school. It's ridiculous to make a kid feel like he did something bad for something so innocent. Way to ruin a boy's self-esteem American public school district. A 6 year old should never be suspended!
when I was in school, had a play where I was to kiss the girl on the cheek. I did that thru all the rehearsals.. during the live performance. I kissed her on the mouth.. maybe 2,3rd grade..
Have that rapscallion drawn and quartered and hung out in the harbor as a warning to all other pira-....children.
What is the most upsetting is that in the future if that was to stay on the official record if someone were to investigate this person they could profile as a sexual offender. PC taken way too far. We all know there need to be rules for the extreme cases where a child is a danger but in most cases, like this one, the rules should not be enforced. Some discretion is warranted before marking someone's record with something like a kiss at 6 years old.
They talk like that when that's been told to them many times and they are just parroting what they've been told. That's why it pisses me off so much...these adults guilt-tripping this little boy making him feel like he did something evil. Fires me up.
From the little girl's mom's perspective: http://www.canoncitydailyrecord.com...r-girl-involved-kissing-discipline-speaks-out