3 Amendments to the Constitution

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jim Colyer, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. SunLion

    SunLion Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Colyer.And these issues directly affect you how?

    Obviously I can't speak for him personally, but these rights-hating, America-hating traitors usually base their twisted "morality" on some imaginary friend in the sky they call "god." Obviously, this "god" character likes death, rape, war, disease, famine, and destruction, and humankind gets plenty of this kind of "rough rape/death love" from this "god" monster. But that's apparently just not enough pain for some, and they seem to feel the need to "help" this "god" character by getting in every little kick, punch, and jab they can get away with from the safety of home.
  2. Inquiring-Mind

    Inquiring-Mind Senior Member

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    The sad thing is his kind will one day own the earth through procreation. That is why he and people like him object to all forms of birth prevention mechanisms.
  3. Lodui

    Lodui One Man Orgy

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    Neoconservatism is strictly a foreign policy doctrine.

    Although there may be many neocons who are aginst abortion or gay marriage, that's not because of their being neocons.
  4. indescribability

    indescribability Not To Be Continued

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    Personally, I think all three of those amendments are rediculous, just as most here do. Hate to say, but I'm a big fan of abortion. Not only am I the biproduct of an abortion(My Mother had an abortion 4 months before she conceived me), but not enough children get adopted, or ever will for that matter. The world is overcrowded as it is.

    Flag burning? That's our perogative. It doesn't need to be made illegal because it's highly frowned upon. Any patriotic police officer that sees a man burning a flag is most likely going to look the other way when somebody assaults him. I've seen it before, and I'm sure that wasn't the first or last time it will happen.

    As for marriage of homosexuals. You want to stop them from getting married? Do it the same way you stop heterosexuals from getting married. Let them see all the other unhappy married couples :rolleyes:
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    YES! Declare another "War on..." something. "War on Women's Choice!" Yeah! I like that idea. Get the government where they need to be... right in the uteruses of women! Get those vagina warrants ready!

    YES! The "War on Gays". Invade those bedrooms and establish federal punishments for sodomy! Those evil gays have to be stopped!

    SIEG HEIL! Oopss....I mean YES! This is one nation UNDER GOD (circa 1952)! See Dick Buy a Flag. See Dick Burn a Flag. See Dick Go To Prison. See Dick Get Raped. See Dick Die. Don't Be A Dick! Don't Burn the Flag--You Anti-American asshole! Let's have a registry for everyone who buys a flag and send the SS (Secret Service) or some other PROTECTION agency into their homes to make sure that haven't DESCRATED their own property! :D

  6. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    whats your view on miltary war? or inmates on death row?
    hey I ain't argueing with u or stating if I think your right or wrong, just trying to clarify your statement.
  7. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    You realize of course, that this current focus on flag burning, abortion, immigration, gay marriage, etc. are just hyped up issues with the intent to reunite the republican/conservative/religious base which has been deserting Bush and the republican party in droves.

    Immigration surprisingly ended up NOT WORKING as intended and has further divided the republicans esp. Bush.

    Bush can no longer rely upon the terrorist threat or the war in Iraq to unite us. So they must CREATE issues from thin air to keep people in the fold.

    Fortunately, all this strategy coming from none other than Karl Rove, isn't doing much for Bush or the Republicans in the opinion polls. A couple of point bounce (dead cat bounce) is all they can manage with all this rhetoric.

    People like Mr. Colyer are natural patsies for spreading this kind of propaganda around. Expect to see A LOT MORE OF IT as elections approach!
  8. woodsman

    woodsman Senior Member

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    The Constitution was not designed for such things. It was meant to be the basic framework on which to build a nation, and to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens.

    It was never intended to be used as a document of draconian dogma that strictly limits the extent of personal behavior, yet that is the effect that the type of Amendments decribed above would have.

    And specifically about flag desecration, we already have a Constitutional Amendment on the subject, That's the first Amendment which guarantees the right to free speech. Considering that, the Flag Desecration Amendment would itself be unconstitutional.
  9. zeppelin kid

    zeppelin kid Member

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    Your a jesus freak and one of those patriotic psychos aren't you? You have it written all over you.
  10. fritz

    fritz Heathen

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    I think this may be one of the first posts of zeppelin kids that I can wholeheartedly agree with. ;)

    (that I've actually read, that is)
  11. zeppelin kid

    zeppelin kid Member

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    Why don't you agree with me more often? You don't like my comments? That upsets me.
  12. indescribability

    indescribability Not To Be Continued

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    Judging by your previous post, I'm guessing you have no tact at all, and you probably don't put much thought into the things you say.

    Just a thought. . . .
  13. zeppelin kid

    zeppelin kid Member

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    What do you mean by "tact"?
  14. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    If these three Amendments are proposed, I propose a fourth:

    "Conservatives shall be thrown in a pit of liberals if they come up with stupid Amendments like the three listed above".

    I hate when government attempts to infringe on our PERSONAL choices...and people who support that shit ought to be thrown to the dogs.
  15. ~MorningManiacMusic~

    ~MorningManiacMusic~ Banned

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    Abortion is wrong period.Those who are for it, are sick twisted pieces of shit.
  16. SunLion

    SunLion Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Abortion is wrong period.Those who are for it, are sick twisted pieces of shit.

    Most abortions occur naturally, without any human or medical intervention, often before the pregnant mother even knows she's pregnant. While I don't agree that all abortion is bad, I do agree with your view of God as a sick and twisted piece of shit.
  17. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    :D Indeed! "We're here to save civilization in the name of God and love!"

  18. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    Unfortunately for 'amendments' I believe that rights of citizens should primarily be their own and not mandated by laws.
  19. SunLion

    SunLion Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Unfortunately for 'amendments' I believe that rights of citizens should primarily be their own and not mandated by laws.

    Our "founding fathers" had very similar views. Which is why they wrote the Bill of Rights in such a way that no one (except someone retarded or uneducated) could possibly argue that something is NOT a right just because it's not LISTED as a right (9th Amendment).
  20. woodsman

    woodsman Senior Member

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    That's a good point.

    Just as a reference, I would Like to post the 9th amendment here so everybody knows what it says:

    "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

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