Hi lately I'm having this crazy idea of trying to mastrubate 28 times in a week. Does anybody think it's possible (I'm a male)? Tips are always welcome
i know some guy that masturbated so much.. to much....he got sprained testicules..............do not ask me how he did it.... poor dude!
wouldn't that get boring? and why 28? thats like 4 times a day, thats not even that much. but good luck with your goal. i hope you feel like you've accomplished something after you've jacked off for the 28th time in a week.
The best lover I ever had, masturbated 9 times a day (63 times a week). I'd say 28 isn't that much, relatively speaking. It's only 4 times a day. About average for a young man, I'd say...
What's up with people saying 4-times a day is not that much? I do it once a day and I thought that was too much for christ sakes.. Hell, I don't even really have enough free time during the day to do it 4-times a day..
ive done it 28 times in 2 days without even making a point of it, ive probably done it that many times in less than a day before
Haha just what I was thinking. Like, if he went to school, would he do it in the bathroom? Oh dear. lol.
God's cock is invulnerable. It can withstand the jerk-offs of infinity, and so and thus, God's cock can perform to the sexth power of infinity.
my friend did that in middle school, and then told me and another friend about it. then my other friend did it too! i was tempted, but went with my better isntinct.
i havent masturbated in almost 2 weeks... i thought it was normal for like once every 2 days, so 4 in a day seems a bit much