So me and my 2 best friends are planning on doing acid for my birthday in april, we all smoke weed and we also were doing dxm for a long time so we have kinda tripped but obviously not anything like acid. we are planning to do it at the beach in a hotel room, any tips for us? we want everything to go smoothly, we are staying the night at the beach. Thanks!! x
Bring some fruits. Bring some water. Bring some music. Don't get naked and wander downtown to spread your new notions of love and peace.
LSD is so much better than DXM. First make sure you really have LSD and not NBOME. NBOME will numb the mouth and LSD will not. .NBOME is a chemical sold as LSD that could make you trip but also has much higher potential to OD. Even from one hit because its easy to dose wrong. It's not extremely common people do take it regularly but it happens. With LSD you have basically no chance to OD short of thousands and thousands of doses perhaps. A hotel room by the beach with friends sounds like a good place to try it. You will want to be someplace safe with friends but nature can look very interesting on LSD. Just remember that no matter how strange you feel it is temporary. If it gets overwhelming it will end. There is no physical danger from real LSD. Your brain did not loose anything but the mental experience can be very intense and lead to different thinking. But most people who have used LSD view that as a good thing. It did not make them go crazy they just were able to see things from a different point of view. Make sure you trip in a good state of mind and you should be fine.
make sure it doesn't have a strong taste or a numbing sensation. that is NBOMe which is not as safe (or fun) as LSD. don't do anything to get yourself arrested. how busy is this beach? you might want to time your trip so that it's at the least busy time? crowds of normal people can feel weird. listen to your favorite music. check out nature - the beach sounds awesome. ~go with the flow~
The person that said bring fruits is right on track. Our little group usually takes a vitamin C tablet when we drop too. Get glowsticks/LED lights/ glow paint to play with. Playa in the nice big bathtub...maybe in the dark with the glowsticks(; Jump on the beds, imagine other trippie hippies that may or may not have tripped in the very same room. (That's a fun one if you like making up stories) Don't play with the hotel phone or run around in the lobby.