¿Oversexed men?

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by David54, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. David54

    David54 Member

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    Let's talk about culturaly enforced gender roles.

    To start, I'm going to challenge the concept that men are more sexually driven than women. First of all, the major aspect that creates this view is that men reach their sexual peak earlier in life. Male sex hormones spike after puberty and continue into the early twenties, and then start declining. The fact that in the later years women are more sexualy driven is ignored, mostly due to the fact that we concentrate our attention on the young. But that's another issue entirely.

    Also, women sexualy mature younger. So there is this period of two or three years in which girls are thinking sexual thoughts and boys are still wondering what kind of coodies girls have. And there's the late middle age, in which women are horny as hell and getting hornier, and men are getting a bit tired. But all we concentrate on is those 20 years or so when men can't stop thinking about sex.

    So now let's talk about the cultural standards that reinforce this view that men are more sexualy driven. The biggest thing is the everpresent objectification of women's bodies. Rarely is the effect on a man's mind considered. But speaking for myself, the constant stimulation is, well, stimulating. Then there's the preasure to be sexualy driven. If a man is not constantly on the prowl for a woman, his friends start questioning his manhood. He might be gay. When a man's sex drive starts slowing down, he is encouraged to take drugs to artificialy enhance it. In short, there is no cultural steriotype for the well adjusted, non-sexual man.

    This is a grave issue for both men trying to live their lives in peace and women sick of being bothered by oversexed men.

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