70 Years On

Published by WOLF ANGEL in the blog Wolf Angel - A Revolution Breeze. Views: 992

Today marks a day of Historical reference, and indeed reverence.
70 years have passed since the detonation of the only two WMD used in 'bona fide' Wartime conflict - the legacy lingers.
Initially, Hiroshima, followed by Nagasaki, received the packages of annihilation by “Little Boy' and “Fat Man' delivery.
It is; many say to our shame, that there has been a continuation and indeed escalation of a project that was supposed to end this, and perhaps all wars.
Rather it has been nothing but a stimulus and incentive for Power, driven under the guise of Protection, not just by National Governments, but also those of corporate and commercial influence “ for War is always (financially) profitable.
WMD come in many forms, be they explosive, chemical or bacterial device, with some of these used; albeit to a lesser degree in local and civil conflict.
Each of them, abhorrent in their conception and deployment.
In a “so-called' civilised world, it is only the technological advancements that have changed the degree of barbarism of which mankind has allowed to develop that is deemed; by some, as acceptable.
There is for many a justifiable fear that the many axis of evil (which have previously tested the mettle of those who crave/d for the Peaceful co-existence of individuals and peoples as just cause) that this real threat remains.
Past events have shown the dangers that can occur when Nazi dogma, calculation of the megalomaniacal belief and/or insanity that a single (but influential) person can slip into; either by corrupt, covert or medical influence, if left unchecked.
With this in mind, it is always difficult to judge when and if it is right, to properly arm oneself against an aggressor of draconian and/or immoral leadership, with an arsenal that delivers destruction of indiscriminative targeting, which passes down family line and is environmentally detrimental.
Intellectually, there have been a number of reasoned arguments why preparation is better than capitulation, (even the one that includes alien invasion!) but is it a justifiable one? I would question such.
It is the aftermath of that which we do, that we have to live with and through (or not) that defines us as a race “ along with our value and worth.
Whilst there a populist view that these cases are “further afield', and are pointed to with distain, of the atrocities of civil and local intrusion/invasion, consideration of our own “westernised' hierarchy of status, from own past does not make fantastic reading. Be it the British colonisation of native lands, the near genocide of Native American people or destructive European power struggles taken up under the banner of religious education are equally damning.
To my mind, even in the darkest hours, are we that bound by an arrogance that “we' know what is right/wrong? And, to overcome enemies/adversity at any cost is justifiable?

Historical lessons must not be forgotten - Today is, a poignant reminder: - "the destroyer of worlds" give "kisses that never, ever can fade away"
Lest we forget
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