
Discussion in 'Clothes' started by Kablamo, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I used to keep some underwear "just in case". That for me meant if I needed to wear dress pants. Because they tend to really show a wet spot very clearly when the tip drips. Unlike jeans which absorb a lot more. So a time came and I put some on under my dress pants for absorption purposes, but couldn't make it even an hour before it felt miserable. I had to hit the restroom, take em off, and stuff them in my pocket. That was more than twenty years ago and that was the last time. I since learned to push my tip between my leg and sack after peeing if out in pants with people I wouldn't want seeing a wet spot. In general though when out and about I don't worry about wet spots, I just ignore them and only a small portion of people seem to actually look at them anyway. Especially when I get a little tingly down there and other leakage emits. There's not much I can do about it anyway so I just let it do its thing. But if I wanted to keep it from showing I could. So there's just no case when I'd actually want to have underwear on.
    LoverLexi, RIJACO and Jumper58 like this.
  2. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    Yes, I gave up underwear a long time ago and only wear briefs to medical appointments. Most doctors and nurses expect that, so I oblige.

    But otherwise, no underpants, even when I'm wearing one of my kaftan dresses, which are ideal for the hot desert where I live-- good protection from the sun, plenty of air circulation, and best of all, NO BELT!

    I just got a new full-length masculine dress with a zip-down front. It's a light gray hoody with two side pockets and soft material. I don't know why I put up with wearing Levis and a belt for so long. This dress is so comfortable for driving long distances, the next best thing to being naked and natural.
    LoverLexi and RIJACO like this.
  3. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    Remember "The Kim Komando Show", the technology girl explaining how to use stuff like smart phones or computers? I always had thoughts of her without undies as I listened to her show. Seems like with her name it would be appropriate. I found it appropriate some 60 years ago and haven't wore underwear since.
  4. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I haven't heard about those dresses for men but sounds awesome. For me I prize getting sun on my skin. Not excess to lay around and burn but I'm outside a lot and prefer shorts that just barely meet the qualifications of covering. And no shirt when it's warm.

    I never did wear Levi's and a belt. Going to work and about in jeans it was Wrangler stretch with the inside seam of the pants legs sewn up to where they didn't flop around. For decades I wore those and yeah they do not hide sizes, direction, nor circumcision status, but they were comfy at the time. I like em looser in the crotch now, some room to flop around, but without giving up the printthrough aspect for the hanging end.

    And yet I rarely wear jeans anymore, just when I'll be out in the cold for awhile. At fifty farenheit and above I'm in shorts, mostly cutoffs, short and loose. The denim is very comfy and offers some protection from flying debris, rubbing up against something rough, holding heavy tools and hardware in the pockets, hitting the ground in a wipeout and such. If I'm just going out such that those conditions aren't a concern then I'll go in cutoff athletic shorts, one layer of paper-thin fabric.

    About the turn of the century I decided that I had no need to wear underwear to the doctor's. I'd been to the doctor's many times commando but when it was a physical I felt obligated. You would not believe how freeing it was to reply to the nurse who told me to strip down to my underwear with I don't use those. She was very positive to my response too and I showed her how easy access the shorts I wore were. Since then I've never put any on for anything at all. They're just extra encumbrance.
  5. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    She is still going with her show! And I've always pictured her that way too. Congrats on sixty years! It's been fifty for me.
  6. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    Yes, the full length dresses are indeed awesome. No constriction, and sort of like being naked under a tent made of soft and thin material. But they also block out the desert sun which causes skin cancer if you get lots of exposure between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM regularly.

    I have to see the dermatologist every year, and that's about the only time I wear briefs. The exam involves a doctor with magnifying goggles and an assistant taking notes. I wear the briefs for 97% of the inspection and growth removal process, and the briefs only get lowered "briefly" at the last part of the exam.

    This is what my provider prefers, because he usually has young female assistants in their first med-tech job. That's fine with me. I'm happy to make the exam as easy and effective as possible for everyone involved.
  7. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Makes sense. Yet also why I just wear outer shorts. Shorts I wear going out wherever. It's pretty much like going around in boxers I suppose except they're shorter, looser in the legs, and have pockets. Just as easy to slide down for the doc to make the exam. No underwear in the wardrobe.

    But I don't feel the need to shield myself from the sun - usually. I suppose there could arise occasions where I could find myself in mid day direct sunlight for extended periods, then I'd want shielding. But even doing roof work, the last roof I put on I just cherished getting sun on my skin. Now granted I was up and down all day for many days which is quite different from laying out and baking. Plus when the midday sun is beaming and I'm working in it, I'll wear a wide brim hat and drape a T-shirt over my shoulders. My legs stay exposed and my back & chest as well when it's hot enough to sweat. The rays fall obliquely on vertical surfaces.

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