Is it possible for US Coins to be same sided? Or have “Double Heads/Tails”?

Discussion in 'Weird, Bizarre and Mysterious' started by Xboxoneandsports32490, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Xboxoneandsports32490

    Xboxoneandsports32490 Members

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    Read a story about a guy on internet: anyways he had a secret for being able to win every coin toss he won with people. He used a “double headed” coin trick where he would just flip a coin that only had heads on both sides and he would always call heads and win whatever coin toss he did?

    My question is: Could that really happen with American money? Could they ever possibly print or make US coins that can be same sided or not just be “Heads/Tails”? And how often do you think that coin printer machines would even make that mistake?
  2. Constantine666

    Constantine666 Members

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    Th way US Coins are struck, makes it highly unlikely you'll ever find a Two-Headed US Coin that is legitimate. More likely, someone took two coins and saved down the back and used something like JB Weld, or even actually soldered them together. If you look at the edge of the coin, and the two sides don't match up perfectly, or it bulges on one side, sometimes you'll see a depression or a groove running around the edge. Also, ifi you balance it on your finger, and let it drop to the table and it thuds instead of rings, it a fraud.

    US Coins are struck simultaneously, head and tail, between two blanks, there is no strike one side then turn it over and do the other.
    The machine would have to have two face blanks instead of a face and back. Then you'd end up with hundred of them, which would never stand, they'd scrap the run, melt them down and start over.

    there are three layers to a US Coins like a sandwich, the head, the tail, and some copper smashed between them.
    Sagewynd likes this.

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