The saga continues

Published by Americunt in the blog Wtf am I doing here?. Views: 761

Yesterday was day 1 of training for OLG, and it went better than expected. She was take and picked things up quickly.
"Maybe everything is working out", I say to myself.

Today I got to work and she told me that her packaging coworkers complained all day yesterday, and they told their boss' boss what was going on. Apparently she didn't know about it. But to make matters worse, the top-boss who didnt know hares the top-boss who orchestrated the whole thing, so now I back to training my boss' mom next week. Oh, and the union filed a grievance, so I have to let my trainee do all of the work to "minimize the time spent working on union products". While I, you know, stand there and tell her what to do.

I say we make the people complaining come work in the lab, and they can be trained by the engineers (really convoluted and impatient) instead of me (super cool and a good teacher).
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