Martinique, Sempa and Hempsmah

Published by Friar Turk in the blog Friar Turk's Ramblings and Poetry. Views: 628

The Bobcat's Den
full of Chickens and Hens
unfenced in
with dark sky foreboding
and rust blood supervening Hurricane
SoulWind Sugar and Ice
bet the BobTail Twice
Monsters of Pen and Mikes
Angelo's Prism in Island Supreme
8 Hits of Acid /10 Points of Glam

Keep the Kids out of the Hall
Down in the squall
the Portly Bellow Aims Anvils
Captain, Mast, Stern and Swallow
Wind the Jack flew the Anchor
Hunt the Bone Ill of the Night
Leave Despair, Gone in Flight
Fire the Arrow
Strangers turn bright and carmelo falls

Hand me a Talisman
Cast me a dream of real men
Mixed Into Cream over portly time-counts
With a key-stroke of notes sublime
Marshing the saltSky Swoon
and Lune the Toon like a Sceptred Sun
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