America, present day Sodom and Gomorrah

Discussion in 'The Future' started by Jerry, May 11, 2005.

  1. Jerry

    Jerry Member

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    By the end of 2006 everyone that lives in California, Florida, and New York will be dead. These states have become present day Sodom and Gomorrah. They shall burn in one day. One day in the near future you will turn on the news to hear that America is under attack, soon after that there will be no news to watch(the stations will be gone). Be ready, the end is coming. You can laugh now and think i am a nut, but when the day comes you will know the truth. I am prefectly sane. When I first began my research I was out to prove Bible Propchey was wrong. But through my studies I have come to the conclusion that Bible Propchey is coming true everyday. Read the propchies, do the research and you will see. Have a open mind about it. Why do so many think this is all to nonsense? Almost every religion has these propchies of a time in human history that will be an Apocalypse. Many talk about a great nation, Mystery Babylon, that will fall in one day. The kings of nations around the world will cry for her, but will do nothing in fear taht they will suffer her fate also. After seeing the super power of the world destoyred everyone will be gripped with fear. We are entering into the End of Days. LOOK INTO IT FOR YOURSELF!!!! I ask anyone who is up to it to do some research and prove me wrong using the Bible. For in the Time of the End, none shall believe. They will follow a false religion of self glory. The people of Mystery Babylon will praise themselfes. They will worship money, not God. We have had 50 years of "peace", but soon this time shall end. If I told you of 9/11 before it happened you would laugh at me. You are probably laughing at this now, but when the day comes you will be unprepared. READ THE PROPCHIES!!! It is clear that America is Babylon, and it is also clear that America is about to be destoryed. In propchy this Mystery Babylon is to cross the whole Earth without touching the ground (Airforce) to destory the forces of Old Babylon (Iraq). After Mystery Babylon takes over Old Babylon destruction shall come. We are now living in the End of Days.
  2. Mononucleosis

    Mononucleosis Member

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    I still want to have the exact Bible passages that use the EXACT words, not inference of yourself, America and Iraq.
  3. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    I strongly disagree that mystery Babylon is America. The one world religion spoken of in the Bible, who's presence will dominate the end times, is a religion founded on paganism. There is one religion who still claims to worship the Lord, while taking part in paganistic rituals and idol worship. It's founder was a Roman emperor who saw a, "miraculous sign in the sky". The country who ignited this fuse is Mystery Babylon.

    Understanding the word of the Lord comes from the Holy Spirit, not personal interpretation.
  4. Jerry

    Jerry Member

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    Not to be mean, but that is one of the most foolish things I have ever read. First of all "understanding the word of the Lord comes from the Holy Spirit, not personal interpretation" IS YOUR PERSONAL INTERPRETATION!!! Unless God talks to you directly, which I doubt he does then eveything you believe about the Bible or Torah is your personal interpretation. Second, if you studied propchey closer you would see that Mystery Babylon falls BEFORE the one world religion comes to power. This one world religion comes to power due to the fact that Babylon was destoryed. So yes, Mystery Babylon is the country who ignites the fuse. If you read the descriptions of Mystery Babylon in the Bible you will see how it is CLEARLY America. Just to make it easier for you here are JUST SOME clues that point to America as Mystery Babylon. First of all Mystery Babylon will be a nation that did not exist during the time when the Bible was written. Mystery Babylon will be a nation on a new land. This points directly towards America. Mystery Babylon will be a land of many waters and have a sea of her own. Now when you look at a world map you see that the America does have a lot more bodies of water then must other places. The Great Lakes could be the sea that Mysery Babylon had, or it could be the Hudson Bay, which is in Canada. When you look at Canada you can see it has the MOST waters of any palce on Earth. I believe that Canada and America could have been mistaken by prohpets as the same nation, or Canada is Mystery Babylon, but Canada does not fit the other reqirments of Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon will be the Trade Center of the world, and will be the nation that buys the most. America is without a doubt in this postion right now. Mystery Baylon will be the richest nation ever and have the richest citizens in the world. Right now a middle-class family in America would pass as a very rich family in most of countries. Mystery Babylon's people will be a mix of different races and will be proud of this fact. That clearly is America. Mystery Baylon will gloify herself and think she is unbeatable. America has this mind set. We think of our nation as one who has NEVER lost a war and never will (other than vietnam and the soon coming WW3). We also are EXTREMLY proud of our nation and display that for the world to see. Mystery Babylon will be the the only Superpower of the World at the time, we America fit this role. Mystery Babylon will be filled with sin before her destruction. Today our society is the MOST sinful ever, far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. I have nothing aganist gays, but God does. Sodom and Gommorah was destoryed as homosexuality rose in their society. Today in America homosexuality is on a huge rise, it is like the "in" thing to be now. We also have Los Vages the capitol of Sin in the world "What Happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". Mystery Babylon is also called a her, just like America. There are MANY MANY other clues that Mystery Babylon is indeed America. I suggest you do more research on these things so you can know for yourself.
  5. Jerry

    Jerry Member

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    Iraq is where (Old)Babylon was, that is how I figured Iraq is Old Babylon which Mystery Babylon takes over before her destruction. It is not my own interpretation, it is fact. Old Babylon stode where Iraq is today. Look at some historical maps if you don't believe me.
  6. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    1) The Bible was written through the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21) "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had it’s origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."

    2) The Holy Spirit brings truth - (John 14:15-17, 15:26, 16:13)

    Sorry, The Bible makes it quite clear that understanding comes through the Spirit. Without it, one relies solely on personal interpretation.

    The one world religion stems from Mystery Babylon.

    In fact, it has ties in the FBI, CIA, U.N. E.U. and is in charge of the international banking system. ("merchants of the earth will weep and mourn")

    "Come out of her, my people" is a direct reference to this religion.

    The False Prophet will be it's leader. The False Prophet is the spiritual advisor to the Anti Christ. There is only ONE religion that has had ties in the government, throughout history, where both a religious leader and political leader have ruled together.

    "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages" (Revelation 17:15) - This one world religion has already been spread. People of all different nations and languages accept it. In fact, this religion claims to have one billion members around the world. It is the leader of the interfaith movement, who claims that all, "paths", lead to the Lord. If you look deeper into this matter, you will find that it is the only religion allowed to sit in on matters of the United Nations.

    The Antichrist will be the leader of the One World Government. This will be the dominate force of the end times, as the Bible states, not one country. He could clearly not force all inhabitants of the earth to receive the mark if he was merely the President of the United States.

    Actually Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for several reasons, homosexuality only being one of them. They worshiped pagan gods, they sacrificed their own children, they committed acts of homosexuality and other displays of immorality.

    Again, you are confusing the woman/whore of Mystery Babylon, for the place itself. The religion is the one who is drunk on the blood of saints, not the country. She is referred to as a prostitute with daughters. This church has already claimed to be the, "Mother church", and is welcoming her, "daughters back home." (Broken off religious branches and sects)

    The very word, "Babylon", means confusion. Confusion is exactly what the one world religion is, considering the fact they have altered the Bible and adhere to their own set of rules.

    Before I knew the Lord, I would have agreed with the human logic of your interpretation. However, God and the prophecies of his word are above human logic, and that cannot be used to decipher it's hidden meanings.
  7. Mr MiGu

    Mr MiGu King of the Zombies

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    are you sure those prophecies arent reffering to the roman empire???
  8. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    1. Tell me, how do you not interpret something told to you? You interpret everything you see/hear/whatever. The bible wasn't written through any 'spirits,' it was written by men, with ink. Wherever they say they got the information to write, it doesn't matter, they wrote it, therefore it is their interpretation.

    2. I'd like to know how a spirit acknowledges the earthly concept of truth, and brings it to us. What truth does it bring? That god is our savior? Right. I don't see that as a truth because truth is something you know to be correct. You can't know anything about something metaphysical- you can only know things that are proven to you with real substance.

    You read the bible and think the holy spirit helped you understand. No. You read a bunch of moral stories and took what you did from them. YOU INTERPRETED THEM.

    Looks like the lord's logic failed on this one. If you're gonna say god's logic is above human logic, say which human.
  9. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    That is what I am stating
  10. Soulless||Chaos

    Soulless||Chaos SelfInducedExistence

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    Am I the only one that finds this humorous? :D
  11. Jerry

    Jerry Member

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    Epiphany you are missing a HUGE part of the puzzle. The Antishrist does not come from, or ever rule Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon falls and from that destruction he is able to come to power, probably in Rome. The antichrist has nothing to do with ruling Mystery Babylon or it's religion. You make some valid points, but you are missing huge parts of the propchies.
  12. skycanvas

    skycanvas Member

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    Like the Blind Men & the Elephant, everybody here seems to see some of the big picture, but are having difficulties reconciling that with one another's perceptions. I also see there are people with the Book here splitting hairs with other people with the Book & looking stupid in front of people who don't regard the Book.

    Someone, arrives on the scene a little self-righteously applying the Infallible Scripture to a fallible Interpretation. This is typical, not only of religious zeal but of politicians & God-&-Country rhetoric.

    You can get into all sorts of problems when you predict Dates. You can stubbornly cling to someone else's personal interpretations of dates & times for years until this World doesn't end in 200X. Then you become disillusioned. People have been dressing up in white sheets & standing on roof tops on the words of their local prophets for centuries & there was a big movement back in the 1920's. Maybe David Koresh & his followers all thought that was Armageddon & they were God's Chosen Few following 'David to Heaven' & so they all killed themselves rather than feel the bullets or flames. I didn't say the World won't end & much of what you are saying is true, but the dates & places are problematic. Specific prophecies that localize stuff too much are always suspect. Florida, California...2006, come on.

    That stuff sounds so Cult-centric it's nauseating. Such & such a prophet/ess in our little peephole on God said they saw this. Then you run around trying to convince everybody else of that private interpretation.

    'But of that day & hour knoweth NO MAN; no not the angels in Heaven, but My Father only." Then Christ gives the signs to look for. Jesus & Paul warned the early Disciples of the same thing.

    No, you don't want to give people the impression that 'all things continue as they were since the beginning, for since the fathers fell asleep' & it's never gonna happen--we can do whatever we wanna do--those weirdo Christians, I wish they'd go away. On the other hand, sometimes believers think that they will Alarm non-believers into believing by stretching or sensationalizing the Truth a bit. Bringing it on home!

    Current Events are valid arguments but only if they apply. If not, this just alienates them even more. It's like telling a kid: The boogeyman comes to get the children who are naughty & takes them away to a distant planet, yada yada. When the kid grows up he realizes you were full of shit. While he's a kid you told him Christmas was about Santa Claus, so when he stops believing in old Saint Nick, he never gets the Christ connection to Christmas & becomes an X-maser.

    I do agree & it is pretty obvious that America is the leader of Present-Day worldwide Babylon, but you have to explain what you mean by Babylon. Let's broaden it to most people's agreement: anomaly to Worldwide Materialism (Things vs God/Idolatry vs acknowledging the Creator). This is not only confined to the US. It is also Europe. But it's pretty obvious that the ten nations that side with the AntiChrist are going to be Europe, so although they are also an advanced civilization living like us, they politically side with the AC, just like they sided with the Muslims over the U.S. in the Iraq War & are getting it together with the Euro & Commonwealth of Europe.

    If the Antichrist arrived today, he would be destroying the US. As far as where you extracted the clue that WHEN the US touched no ground & destroyed old Iraq IT would end, I've never seen that Scripture nor heard that interpretation before. It sounds like somebody told you that or you cooked it up.

    It's really easy if you start smoking pot or doing Acid to get all kinds of false connections that no longer make sense when you come down. I don't know or give a damn if that's the case, but you have to balance Scripture with Scripture. You have to take the preponderance of the Scripture as it weighs in on any subject. If 10 verses say this & 1 seems to point the opposite direction, you take the preponderance of the 10 Scriptures over that one.

    The problems with a lot of the confusion of interpretation is that you have to be knowledgeable of World & Biblical History (also His Story) to be able to sort out fulfilled Scripture from Unfulfilled or Partially fulfilled events. This is where a lot of novices get their wires crossed on interpretations. Applying new to old & old to new. Like: Old Jerusalem & New Jerusalem have things in common in a spiritual parallel sort of way, not ideologically speaking, and very little in reality. That's where the Evangelical Christians go & that's where I get off of that Tour Bus. They try to make it physical, too.

    That's not always true, but especially not of their Interpretations concerning that raging controversy. Most of the politicians in the US side with those sorts of religionists & so they wind up unequivocally siding with the Jews over the Muslims in reference to the land, which is why the U.S. always weighs in opposite the rest of the World on that issue & will never change. But Jesus said, my Kingdom is not of this World.

    John, who wrote Revelations was a good student of the Old Testament, especially Daniel.

    That old Roman Empire & the literal AC coming out of Rome Italy is a lot of that confusion. I can reconcile the two: According the The Image of Daniel (Dream Neb had not the one he built) The Image defines the 7 world empires where it gets down to the legs of Rome, out of which grow the feet & toes (democracies & dictatorship of iron & clay) and final 10 toes that side with the AntiChrist.

    That means we come out of Rome. There hasn't been a World Empire since Rome. So the AC, the feet, the toes, us--we're all coming out of Rome in that sense. When they get into the Roman Catholic Church & the Vatican sitting on Seven Hills & splitting hairs over who are the whore's children--that's where I get off the bus.

    Preaching the Gospel is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread. You didn’t bake it man. So don't get all haughty & proud over it & act like it was yours to begin with. You are a filthy rotten sinner like all the rest of us. Or why would you be here. My ex got fell in with all these Holiness people. They'd sit home & watch Jerry Springer & gasp with awe at, "Oh, how bad these sinners are," but they thought they were Sinless Saints, perfect people. They watched this stuff for entertainment, but acted Oh, so pompous like they would never do it. Well, they were wondering after the beast, weren't they? As far as I know 'For without Me ye can do nothing," means nothing good & anything bad in my case.

    [​IMG] :rolleyes:
  13. Epiphany

    Epiphany Copacetic

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    I never said the Antichrist came from Mystery Babylon. In fact, it is believed that the Antichrist will come from Europe. What I said was that the False Prophet was the leader of the one world religion, which began in Mystery Babylon. You are correct in stating that this is Rome.
  14. Jerry

    Jerry Member

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    I can admit that I don't know what will happen exactly, no one does. But, I can asure you that in the next few years (2006-2012) America will be destoyed, tha Antichrist will rise, and the end of the world (as we know it) will come. There are to many simple minded people in here that look at this as nosense. Don't forget history is still happening, don't think the world won't change. You must look beyond yourself and what people call rational thought. You all feel to safe and can't deal with the reality that your whole world will soon come crashing down around you. There are to many connections and coincidences for these propchies to be wrong. Yes, people have been predicting the end of the world since the world began, expect the difference this time is that the end of the world is now here. Look Native Americans have propchies that agree with Propchies from the Bible. Propchies form the Bible have started to come true. There are Bible Codes that agree with the Bible Propchies. There is the prophcy involving the Popes, Benedict is the second to last pope, Benedict will die soon. There is the Mayan calender end date at 2012. Is it also a coincidence that there are HUGE HUGE natrual diasaters all over the world, that are all overdue to go off. California and Japan are overdue for huge Earth Quakes. Yellowstone is overdue to exploded (this alone would destory America). It only takes one of these to occur to set a chain reaction off in the others (for those who know how the crust of the earth works). In 2012 our sun and solar system line up with the center of the universe (Second Coming of Christ, New Age). There are signs everywhere you look, and all the propchies are agreeing. WE ARE NEARING THE END, not the end of everything, just the end of this Era/cycle. There are great ages, the one we are in now is Pieces, it is about to end. Listen even if the Bibical version of the end is not coming, huge things are going to be happening in the next few years. I suggest you all mentaly prepare yourselfs. I have not just studied Propchy, but also Global Hisotry. TRUST ME, huge change is at our doorstep. Remeber the dinosaurs? Just like them we can be wiped off the face of the Earth. Supervalcanoes (Yellowstone) do go off, they have before and they always will. Comets hit the earth, they have before and will again. Just because the human race is on Earth now does not mean it will change anything. We can easily be wiped out by these sort of things, THEY DO HAPPEN. Also one question a friend asked me was "how can all these things (Bibical version of the End) come and no one will notice and like call out the antichrist for who he is". I told him that it was simple. All the info of that sort of stuff will be destoryed soon, when America goes down. Most of the information about these thigns will be gone and those who know it and preach it will be killed. When these things come to pass, for those who read these words, remeber these important things. Don't take any mark from ANY religion, don't follow the first person who appers to be Christ, for he is the antichrist, and head for the remote areas of the world, where the destruction will be less. Call me nuts, but in enough time you shall see.
  15. skycanvas

    skycanvas Member

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    Jerry, I think you are somewhat sincere & we basically agree. You are quite the novice, still wet behind the ears & have a lot to learn, but somehow sincere. And I have prepared myself. All the Scriptures I gave you were out of my head, ones that I have memorized. The thing is, I was disappointed by a man giving dates before. Yet this didn't destroy my faith in God. However it did destroy my faith in him as a prophet of God. It tainted his message. I think if you just relax, remove the dogmatic dates & places & carry on, you are doing a good work. Because if people believe this or that about Yellowstone & it doesn't happen that way, then they will blow off everything--just what you are afraid of them doing.

    But sometimes, Jerry, I think you are sincerely wrong about certain things. You need to take this as wisdom from the Lord & godly counsel that you need to keep on with what you are saying without being so specific or dogmatic. Many teachers & preachers & leaders & prophets have been humiliated by doing just that. "But we preach not ourselves, but Christ, Jesus the Lord." You have to take out these specifics & qualify them. Say This Event could happen, instead of This event Will happen this way. Even the fact that the Antichrist arises out of the destruction of Babylon or a War is not dogmatically explained that way in the Bible. God was pretty general with some of these things. But he said, this & that will happen. I believe that.

    But I don't know if that is the case or if the war will follow a worldwide economic collapse or what. It does say certain things follow in succession in the Bible, certain events. But you have to just major on those things which you know to be so. The Lord Himself said, "But of that day & hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of God, but my Father which is in Heaven" So if you think you know, all the Christians & all the Non-believers are both going to say you're nuts & probably be right about it. Cause even God didn't say. Even Jesus didn't know. How can you know exactly when & how?

    You didn't even talk about the rebuilding of the Temple & the last seven years as spoken of both in Revelations & the Book of Daniel. Jesus can't come back for Seven years after the signing of the Covenant. I believe through an informed study of the Bible that this may be an agreement between all the world's major religions. I don't know. Maybe it will be the Internationalizing of Jerusalem. All I know is that the Antichrist confirms that Covenant with many for one week. The word for week in Hebrew is Shebuah. It just means 7. But if I take the other Scriptures in Daniel & Revelations & Thessalonians, etc, it makes it very obvious that those are Years, not days. The antichrist breaks the covenant in the midst of the week (shebuah) seven (Years) & there is 3-1/2 years of Great Tribulation Mt: 24:15 but I may miss a word or two cause I don't have a Bible here.

    But I can quote it. It says, "For then shall be great tribulation such as was not seen upon the Earth since the beginning, no nor ever shall be." (Matt 24: 29-31) says Immediately AFTER the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened; and the moon shall not give her light; and the stars shall fall from Heaven; and the powers of the Heavens shall be shaken. And then shall all the tribes of the Earth Mourn. And they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of Heaven with great power & glory; And every eye shall see him; and they also which pierced Him." This is off the top of my head. But it's KJV, the most original of the Scriptures.

    You need to major on these things. I've never heard you explain those things yet. You are just straining at gnats & swallowing camels & predicting so specifically events that the Bible doesn't even deal with specifically. I don't care about this Rome stuff. You guys are confusing the ancient Roman Empire with Rome, Italy as far as I see. Don't you know that Rome ruled the known world at that time? They conquered the entire Mediterranean. For God's sake, I think the Antichrist will be a Muslim. I think he will come out of Egypt. That was part of the Roman Empire & the previous Grecian empire too. But that is my OPINION: My educated guess--because it doesn't say that specifically. But I qualify that to people. You are being very self-righteous. It not only makes people sick, it makes God sick. It turns people OFF. That is being too dogmatic about Events that you may have heard are going to happen. People call this Christian Heresay.

    You have to pin their faith in God, who is His Word. Because they want to see what it says--what is written. They don't care about your opinion. I don't care what you have to say--What does the Bible say! Jesus, like Nostradamus often disguised his more profound & deeper truths in parables. Or he makes them vague. Or he just doesn't say. So it's up to us to have patience & wait & see. I don't even care to write any more on this forum unless you get humble & qualify all of your opinions.

    Back in the 70's it was, "California is going to fall into the Ocean on such & such a Date." Didn't happen then. It might & soon if so. Even geologists think so. I think it may. But does that make Californians worse sinners than you & me or people in Iraq or China? NO! Jesus even said something to that effect: A parable about when the tower in Silom fell on all those people, do you think that it was because they were all worse sinners than yourselves? And those men that Herod mingled with his sacrifices; (executed them) do you think that they were worse men than yourselves? But nay I say unto you, unless ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." In other words, "Your time is alway ready, but My hour is not yet come." He told that to his own brothers & sisters because they didn't believe in Him at that time & wanted him to go public at the Feast at Jerusalem.

    I've heard it all: "The AntiChrist is going to be revealed exactly in 1984 when Haley's Comet comes around the earth again." Didn't happen. Why? Well, should I even ask--It's not in the Bible that way. "Jesus is going to come back in exactly 1993 because the Nation of Israel was reborn in 1947 & a generation in the Bible is exactly 46 years." Didn't happen. Do I believe it will. Of course! Of course I believe there is/will be an AntiChrist. I'm not going to be like some idiot who claims to know who he is. There were guys on the radio about 5-6 years ago saying that "Yasser Arafat is the AntiChrist." I heard that & went through the roof. It says the Antichrist has a fierce countenance. Arafat looked to me like he was smiling all the time. And now he's dead. And he didn't die by a deadly wound, so how can it be healed? "Gorbachev is the Antichrist because he has a birthmark on his forehead." OK. People thought one American President was the Antichrist because he put the US on Daylight Savings Time! "Well it says the antichrist shall think to change times & laws." Didn't happen. So where did these THEORIES go? Where they came from. Stop jumping to conclusions & just jumping the gun & "getting blown about by every wind of doctrine whereby they lie in wait to deceive." You!

    You just need to get off your high-horse & stop acting like you are the only one who knows these things. These are the lost sheep of the House of Israel. They have churches on every corner. Most witnessing is not preaching. It's mostly listening to their problems & giving them God's answers. Not heresay about Florida. That's stupid & out of the mouth of some ignorant preacher. Specific prophecies that are not in the Bible will very often lead to trouble. It doesn't say that, so stick to what you know. These people are going to sleep on regardless of whether you do your job or not there Jeremiah, but hamming it up is not going to make them believe anything but that you are making it up as you go along. Remember that you alone are not left, Elijah! For there are yet 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee unto Baal. Are you married? I don't think so. But if you are you need to listen to your wife. Or get some fellowship & get out of your egocentric bubble.

    This is a very unique forum & it is not lacking for self-righteous religious beliefs. It's a mish-mash of all kind of vagueness & obscure observances & celebration of the human spirit. Trying to get back to what? Something that was do-your-own-thing to begin with & it showed up at Altamont when the Bikers or somebody murdered some guy, just after Woodstock's supposed Heaven-on-Earth, if I recall. Hippyism is already a religion unto itself where people try to out-good one another & it just turns into a bunch of political correctness & everyone doing what's right in their own eyes. That's why there is only His Rightness. Otherwise it's our own selves trying to be righteous. People here can spot Bullshit ten miles away & they can smell it a hundred! Because there is plenty of it to go around. If you want to go blow your trumpet & sound your brass & tinkling symbols or argue theology, and split religious hairs, then go to some Bible College where they like to argue. You can talk about your doctrines & hunches & opinions there & try to shove them down those guys' throats. This is a special place. Either get down to the level of the people that post here & get honest or get lost! I mean that!

    Go drop some acid or something, smoke some pot, or just get drunk. You need it! It'll knock all that selfrighteousness outta you! Your posts are just dripping self-righteousness. Jesus said your own righteousness & the rightness of man are as 'filthy rags'. If you know the Bible so much you'd know that Isaiah is literally translated as meaning 'rags soiled from the menstrual flux' before women had Kotex or Tampons. That's what God thinks selfrighteousness smells & looks like & proud Christians that think they know it all & know the Lord & talk down to other people like they are above them. Go argue somewhere else!

    Look Everybody! They found water on Mars! That means the World will end Tomorrow

    :confused: [​IMG]

    Water on Mars!!!
  16. _androidette

    _androidette Member

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    _Not only was it written by humans [of their interpretation of things] it was edited by them too.

    Think of anything you have witnessed. Each time you tell the story it changes -even if it's just the entonation- & each person that was there w/you tells/recalls it differently even though you all experienced the same thing.
  17. skycanvas

    skycanvas Member

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    Christians can't always see eye to eye, but they can always walk arm-in-arm.

    Love one another

  18. MSman

    MSman Member

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