Anatomical Position

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Duncan, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Anatomical position[​IMG]

    Anatomical position: The position with the body erect with the arms at the sides and the palms forward. The anatomical position is of importance in anatomy because it is the position of reference for anatomical nomenclature. Anatomic terms such as anterior and posterior, medial and lateral, abduction and adduction, and so on apply to the body when it is in the anatomical position


    Where is the penis during this? The books never say. Is it medial pointing inferiorly or is it pointed laterally?
  2. akhc

    akhc Member

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    well it would be located in the median position and it would be pointing in an inferior direction.

    why are u asking anyway?
  3. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    It's a science forum and I wanted to see who would respond. I took a very slow study course in anatomy (9 months) and was totally bored from start to finish. Thought I'd ask a question with a little provocative punch. :)

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