Real bad Paranoia

Discussion in 'Paranoid?' started by NatureFreak412, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    Sometimes I think if I do, say, or think naughty things, bad things are going to happen to me or the one I love, or both of us, like karma in this life. And it will be my fault... But then theres something telling me thats not true, because bad things happen to good folks too. yeah. What do you all think?
  2. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    that is pretty bad paranoia... you've got to learn to relax a little ;)
  3. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    Yeah, I am trying to like not worry about it. The problem is I think to much into things. yeah.
  4. hippychick255

    hippychick255 Member

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    Hey, I'm the same way sometimes. I feel as if no matter what I do something bads going to come of it. I'm always so scared someone's going to find something of mine and I'll get in trouble for it. Even if I don't know what it is that I could or would get in trouble for. There's just always that deep gut feeling.
    And I think to much about things as well...everyone tells me so... I think to much about the consequences (spell?)
  5. RageRock

    RageRock Member

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    called a concience, or however you spell it, i used to be paranoid about everything, now i am relaxed, it'll hit you someday to
  6. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    i just feel that for all the good there is an equal amount of bad to come later and vise versa....i believe everything is balanced in other if i break up with some one and it hurts, i will soon be in another relationship that feels just as great as the hurt i once felt
  7. RxHEAD

    RxHEAD Member

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    I have alot of the same thoughts/parinoia, and have an anxiety or some kind of mental disorder.

    Do some research on OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) it is a type of anxiety/depression disorder in which you have alot of the symptoms you mentioned above. Common medications are anti-depressants called SSRI drugs.

    Anyway Just check it out on google or something they have self help quizzes too take on line to see what the deal is with stuff like this. Peace to you and good luck.
  8. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    i have anxeity disorder and i feel if i dont tell someone that im going to die im conviced i will die it sound dumb but it pisses me off
  9. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    Thanks for the advice I will have to look that up.
  10. RxHEAD

    RxHEAD Member

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    Good Luck. I'm having a Panic Attact Right now. it sucks.
  11. Keramptha

    Keramptha Senior Member

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    i think also the way your birth happened and early childhood has a big effect on your ability to relax. say you were a sazarian baby because you couldn't even do the FISRT THING without a big stress, etc. or maybe you were a blue baby [born with cord wrapped around neck] etc... hey anything like that. maybe you had colic or some indefineable illness as a baby. you were taken for tests right after you came out of mum..that kind of stuff happens all that time in hospitals, it's only recent studies that say the baby should be with its mum right after birth to establish contact..
    also maybe your mum had a tough pregnancy, had to be medicated? check it out, let me know !
  12. Keramptha

    Keramptha Senior Member

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    maybe some stressed up stuff happened to you as a baby, like you had a difficult birth or your mum had a tough pregnancy/ illness as baby no-one could identify. check it out ler me know!
  13. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    If your talking about me, I came out natural.

    I do have this HUGE fear of spiders, that started when I was like 3, because one was in the bath tub with me. Made me have night mares all the time when I was little, and I still have them ,and I cant get around spiders. The dust ones dont bother me, but the fuzzy ones, and the wolf spiders here in alabama, those things are as big as turantulas(sp?)
  14. Keramptha

    Keramptha Senior Member

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    ohkay then. my theory was such a cool one as well
    SPIDERS! BE MORE ORIGIONAL, BE SCARED OF LAMAS, there aren't so many of them...I knew a woman who made friends with a spider, she fed it breadcrumbs, and it came to sit on her armchair at night. one night she stood on it though.
    they're not scary. boats in the middle of the flippin sea are scary.
  15. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    spiders always fall down on me while i'm eating..i think the spider gods hate me.
  16. Amanda's Shadow

    Amanda's Shadow Flower Child

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    sometimes, i think that teachers at my school work for the govt and that they are secretly spying on us and brainwashing young children into being republicans.
  17. White Feather

    White Feather Senior Member

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    If you are a nature freak then you shouldn't be having these thoughts. You're looking too much into your thinking and not enjoying nature.

    I think the term is "tempting God" to see if he exists. If you are really worried about what you think then change your diet - cut out beef, all fried foods, all fats, transfats and hydrigenated oils. Give up cookies, cakes, chips, candy, bread, sodas, pastas, rice...

    As the universe to forgive your bad thoughts. As you grow older, as you reflect on the bad things you've done to people, you will ask for forgiveness; you'll ask forgiveness for your sins.

    Watch your mind and see it's silly games it is playing. And don't get involved with it. Watch yourself while you dream and see if your dreaming doesn't change. In your dreams you'd think that your subconscious will create havoc since it is so much stronger than the conscious. So watch the mind during the day to see the subconscious and how it is working even when conscious.

    You'll see that you're playing mind games.

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