What Are You Doing For The 70Th Anniversary Of The Un Declaration Of Human Rights?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jimbee68, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    Well, it won't be until next year, December 2018 to be precise. But every ten years or so I pose this question on message boards. What are you doing for the anniversary of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights? It is really a rhetorical question. Because most people would just say, Absolutely nothing. Most people in this country aren't even aware of it, the instrument, or the anniversary (that comes on December 10th, every year).

    The Declaration was partly in response to the Nazi atrocities. People thought the international community up till then wasn't doing enough to address the issue of human rights. Of course, it was not without its critics. Some Muslim countries say it conflicts with Sharia law, to which I say, Tough. Learn to live with it.

    Here is the full text: http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ Please read it fully. It is very enlightening. In addition to the religious and political rights we are accustomed to, it also includes the right to a job, the right to rest and leisure, and the right to social security. (That is probably why it is not too popular with conservatives in this country sadly. But some liberals are not any better, I have found.)

    Some people today also think more rights could be added to it, like the right to resist the draft. And the right to water, is often cited now.

    And I just have to ask: How many of you were ever aware of the document, let alone the upcoming anniversary? It might interest you to know, the US was instrumental in the adoption of the Declaration, and the subsequent treaties that followed.
    :sleeping: [​IMG]
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    december 2018? if i'm still here, i'm sure a lot of my time will be spent dealing with the youth basketball league. that's still pretty far in the future now though; i may have a different job by then.

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