Black Lives Matter Accused Of Tying Up And Torturing Disabled Man

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Fueled by Coffee, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Nice try. The intolerance part isn't there either. So far the most dubious delivery comes from the OP's thread title (as has happily been adressed clearly by enough people now) and how you are trying to discredit someone who is going out of his way with valid arguments pointing out where others are jumping to conclusions and going wrong. You're not really doing the people who sincerely think and wanna argue BLM is at the root a racist and hateful organisation a favor either :p

    Its like you want to be misled. How otherwise can someone who is alert on the media make the same faults they're accusing the media of? Any turd can spray that on a wall. It's not like there aren't any people who would like to make this organisation look like it has no validity. So why negate that possibility?
  2. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor


    This "proves" that all Trump supporters are racist xenophobes.

    (For those that don't know me too well, I'm being sarcastic). Just trying to make the point that there are (in my opinion anyway) plenty more idiots in the world than racists. I should also point out that there is no mention in the article if this was done by actual Trump supporters or by someone trying to discredit him. It is a stupid stunt either way.

    Take spray painted walls and picket signs with a grain of salt for God's sake; they prove nothing.
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  3. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    But, but, "Trump is Hitler", everybody knows this. All he has to do is say a few words and the klan starts marching in the streets, after all they "endorsed" him and "support " him. bla bla bla



    And let's not forget that "republicans want to bring back slavery"



    Of course democrats own all the ghettos and abortion clinics

    I guess we could do this sort of thing for another week or so, maybe for the next 4 years.

    Yes, the title of this thread is trite, can we vote to change it?
  4. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I vote to let this thread die...I honestly don't know why I bother to read it every damn day.
  5. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    It's something they add to it. A buried subliminal message that draws us all back. Must resist, MUST resist. (Or I could go back to smoking pot I guess)
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  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It's probaby because he cares about the subject/issue. That he is wondering why he's coming back to it every day has probably to do with the quality of the posts of the people he's debating with.
  7. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    I have continued reading here ... and figured letting BLM supporters hang themselves. Perhaps this is best.

    One supporter said this.

    "the BLM connection myth is Richard Spencer who is quite well known as a white supremacist. As a matter of fact after Donald Trump was elected a video emerged of Mr Spencer holding a victory rally where he was flashing white power salutes screaming "Hail Trump!"

    The above is a racist statement and something BLM propagates. Propagate is to foster and spread a myth, making people believe it is real. Richard spencer, I don't give a fuck about him... and just because you read somewhere that he started it, does not make it true. Just because a racist person supports someone or a party this does not make an entire political party or leader of that racist. BLM will have you believe that white supremacists america voted for trump, by showing you photos of kkk known members supporting trump. This is pushing an agenda. It is clear throughout their website. Who is culpable?

    The one who propagated the myth is responsible. This is why BLM is culpable. If they are going to be racist then they are going to have backlash from the world, the people.

    Someone also said: " Morphgirk has her facts wrong I'm going to do little profiles of the people she is agreeing with."

    I am still waiting on the dissection. Of course that will not happen.

    I have been told within this thread that I can not have an opinion because i am not of that ethnicity in this thread or from the wrong country. I thought BLM was about globalization. I guess this is incorrect. BLM org should get the fuck out of my country them. Questioned whether I even know what is going on and had it suggested I am racist. Get to the back, don't speak.

    I read the BLM website, I read plenty of racist statements on it. Plenty of contradicting statements with regards to the numbers in prison who are black. 2.8 million, 1 million, half the population. Etc... White supremacy, right wing, Donald trump, capitalism, white america is all under the same umbrella throughout every singly page and is portrayed as black americas problem.

    which is why I do not support BLM. Same reasons I do not support the kkk. They have probated a myth that has created fear in people, racism in people. Especially young men and women whose minds are impressionable. This makes BLM culpable in this crime against Austin. It does not excuse the actions of these 4 adults who committed the crime either. It is not about a fucking hashtag.
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  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    We will see. You seem eager to conclude things in advance.

    So? Why value that remark or connect other things to it? We're all people exchanging thoughts and opinions here. Some statements are wrong, some are ment spot on but worded wrong. It doesn't say everything about the topic matter or the whole 'side' someone has affiliated themselves with. About that remark: wasn't it made by a fellow canadian? Even if it was an american though I don't see the big deal. I agree though that (obviously) your opinion is not worthless because you're from a different country (I'm too :p), or a different ethnicity. Just focus on the worthwile arguments, it makes the thread much better.
  9. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    Eager? Yeah ok, I am eager. :/ Thank you for your accessment. Lol.

    Thanks for the advice and letting me know what you want to read and not want to read. I will try to accommodate you in future posts, If I deem it worth my while.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The key part was not the word eager, but that you like to conclude things in advance.

    You don't have to accomodate me. I think you know that too. You are just as dubious in your delivery as the OP. Like when you tried to point out how BLM is like a white supremacist group :p

    You're welcome :)
  11. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    Thank you again for Explaining. I was emphasizing your use of the word eager, suggesting I am in a hurry to, in advance... In advance on the end your sentence was unnecessary. "You seem eager to conclude things," would have been sufficient. :)
  12. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I think the leadership of Black Lives Matter speaks for itself. Shaun King (a.k.a. Talcum X) tweeted that he won't be pushing for the justice of the young man who was assaulted and tortured in Chicago. Yet he believes the entire country has to come to a grinding halt every time a black person is shot by a cop. Wouldn't it make more sense to demonize these horrible people to distance them from BLM?

    Race relations in this country haven't been this bad since the 1960s. And it's all driven by media hype, victim baiting, race baiting, and lies.

    More No True Scottsman fallacies. This thread is full of 'em.
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  13. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I haven't heard of it until looking it up a little bit ago.

    I'm actually surprised Black Lives Matter hasn't gone after them for trying to take wind out of their sail.

    Considering they try to propagate the idea that All Lives Matter is a racist slur, even though it sounds like something Ghandi would say.

    They came down hard on a New Mexican pizza parlor for posting up Black Olives Matter as humorous satire
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  14. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    BLM doesnt like the phrase all lives matter because it completely ignores the fact that there are problems specific to the black community

    Which is why they would not bother going after Native Lives Matter, because they have their own set of issues within their own community

    This should really not be difficult to understand

    The too in BLM is implied. Black lives matter, too
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Demonizing those people might make sense, but it is not necessary to make clear BLM distances itself from these people. They could simply declare their sympathies and stance or put a declaration on a website. Clear enough. And it seems that's what they did. Tumbling posted a declaration from BLM Chicago if I recall right.

    All of it is driven by lies and victim baiting? All of it? Since the 60's? Come on, even you know better. I understand Tumbling dice so well when he wonders why he keeps coming back to this thread.
  16. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Its really hardly worth it debating people who would insist it means something else, like Black lives matter most, or only. It is so obviously a non issue. Madness...!
  17. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Interesting you bring this up. The media loves to report on hate crimes only when it fits their biases.

    They were very quick to blame ever single hijab pulling on Trump, even though most if not all of them were faked. As well as the rest of these were fake too:

    They love reporting hate crimes so much, CBS News Radio tried to paint this retarded white guy BLACK!
  18. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Look at this cool guy :afro:
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  19. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    BLM starts more problems in the black community than address the real ones.

    But they have no problem using violence and accusations of racism to target Blue Lives Matter.

    How do you think racial relations are going today? Most Americans polled agree with me. How are we wrong?

  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Maybe reread what I criticized. You said it is all lies and victim baiting. It's obviously not. Stating this does not mean I say there have been zero cases of victim baiting. I shouldn't have to point this out.
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