
Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Lolli, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. Lolli

    Lolli Visitor

    I'm genuinely curious to read others' answers.
    Four names I go by:
    1) mom
    2) laura
    3) lolli
    4) auntie lolli
    Four of the places I have lived:
    1) Binghamton, NY
    2) Watertown, NY
    3) Houghton, NY
    4) Dexter, NY
    Four things that I watch on TV:
    1) big bang theory
    2) game of thrones
    3) criminal minds
    4) Fixer Upper
    Four places that I have visited:
    1) FL
    2) CA
    3) MO
    4) CO
    Four favorite things to drink:
    1) milk
    2) tea
    3) hot cocoa
    4) cherry kool-aid
    Four topics I would add to this survey:
    1) 4 favorite movies
    2) 4 favorite foods
    3) 4 things I like to do with my family
    4) 4 i dislike the most
    Four people I think will respond:
    1) glenglen
    2) piaf
    3) georgejetstoned
    4) r0llinstoned
    Please don't spoil the fun...copy and paste this to your status and update it with your responses.
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I'm genuinely curious to read others' answers.
    Four names I go by:
    1) themnax
    2) my mundane name
    3) other 'sona's I haven't had occasion to envoke for years
    4) the long form of themnax; of lananra, low person of the council of low persons of the universe and symbol of the council of low persons of lananara.
    Four of the places I have lived:
    1) Buffalo, NY (place of birth)
    2) truckee, ca (where I started kindergarten)
    3) colfax, ca (most of my school years)
    4) reno, nv (current location)
    Four things that I watch on the internet (because I honest to god don't have tv that's worth turning on, is mine, or works worth a dam):
    1) cg3d tutorials on youtube (because its what I make and what I do)
    2) rail fan vids on youtube, many of them cab rides on japanese trains
    3) animation stuff other people have linked me to, and my own ones i've made
    4) all that stuff outside that people tell me is real
    Four places that I have visited:
    1) vancouver b.c.
    2) olinghouse nevada
    3) dobbins california
    4) jessup nevada
    Four favorite things to drink:
    1) lubintau elxer (cold but not iced mocca)
    2) usweetened lemon/lime water
    3) licorish tea
    4) lopsong souchong (another kind of tea)
    Four topics I would add to this survey:
    1) 4 things you find the most rewarding pleasure in doing
    2) 4 favorite foods
    3) 4 kinds of places you would like to live
    4) 4 things that are the most important or interesting to you
    why would I put this in my status or speculate as to who else will fill it out?
    But it might make a good topic for forum games.
    1 person likes this.

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