The Average Body

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by abarambling, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    Skinny and overweight people complain about their bodies because at some point someome has made them feel ugly for it. I'm normal enough now, still on the thin side but healthy. But growing up i was sickly skinny and people made me feel awful for it. I was called skeletaur, told i should eat a hamburger more times than i can count, people really acted like my body actually offended them. Is that really what you want lol
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  2. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    No. I'm not that stupid. Come on.

    But, I don't want both forms of negative comments. I've gotten negative comments of being too on the small side, or being too on the large size. It's like double of what you have to deal with in terms of body issues, Also, regardless of my weight, my breasts are always full. I don't think they're large, but basically what I mean by 'full' is that they're large. In saying that, I've gotten comments of whether or not my breasts are implants because I'm on the smaller size and have full breasts. And there is this idea that only "fat girls have large (full) breasts". So, that's a thing I have to deal with and nothing, but surgery will make that go away. Basically, that's a personal issue. And I shouldn't have brought it up. But, whatever, you know me... gotta tell you everything. Point is, I feel like I have gotten both types of comments because I have always been average. It really depends on the person whether that average body is on one side or the other. I've gotten both positive and negative comments about being on the smaller size, as well as both positive and negative comments about being on the larger size. And it's confusing. It's overwhelming. It's exhausting.

    Of course, at the end of the day... as women we all have to learn to accept ourselves for who we are, in terms of looks. But, I made this thread to just express that I'm average, which is the most obivious thing. But, also to just let people know I'm sick of people judging my body as being one or the other group, and depending on the person's personal view of what they consider is a 'right body size' they will either give me a positive or negative comment, that starts with an "Ew" if it's negative or "This is how a real woman..." if it's positive.

    Like, go masturbate or something. And leave me alone.

    It's not the end of the world type issue. I know that. But, you know... YOU KNOW! Come on, as women... WE KNOW!
  3. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I don't know Running Man's rep on here, but he made a good comment on another thread, that basically meant you shouldn't be making statements about a woman's body. Positive ones, I guess. I still wouldn't even do those. Because sometimes that person doesn't want to be that body type that you're admiring. Or doesn't think they have the body type you are claiming they have in a positive way. But, really the negative statements about a woman's body is the big deal here. If she makes a statement about her body, fine. She wants to call herself a curvy woman, fine. But, other people don't have that right.

    So, if someone is reading this thread and decides to be more conscious about making statements like that, even positive ones... then that's really the point of my thread. I just wanted to show another way of approaching this topic.

    My stomach hurts. I shouldn't have eaten that ravioli. I knew it was too old.
  4. TallyT

    TallyT Members

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    Seriously, just stop. You are so annoying. I bet you'd fake a terminal illness if it would get you attention.
  5. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I know who you are now.
    I had a feeling I knew you, but I couldn't put my finger on who you reminded me of. But, I know.
  6. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  7. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    You think too much, nobody else much cares about your body shape.
    Most guys are just happy to get hold of a woman, no matter what she looks like.

    Essentially what you are describing appears to be a mild mental health problem, and nothing to do with your body shape.
  8. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I'm starting to think this too.

    But then again, most of us have mild mental health problems, me being the first.
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  9. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    I have so many I have to choose which one to obsess about each day.
  10. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    By definition, most people have an average body. The whole body imagine world is a toxic one to get sucked up into, and I've found very little positive effect from dwelling there. It's tough when you feel like nothing special, physically. But even if you are incredibly average, you kind of need to embrace it and keep moving forward. People who accept themselves (even if they don't love themselves) exude a more appealing air then those who obviously let their insecurities shine. All of the thoughts about body image and comparing yourself to other people that occupy your brain take up time and mental power that could be expended on something productive.

    But listen: Not everyone is physically beautiful. Some people (most people!) never will be. And once you accept that you might be one of those people (I am one of those people, and so are most others who have posted here), the sooner you can focus on things that actually matter. This is your body, this is what you look like, great. There is a lot of other shit that needs to be accomplished.

    It's hard to say this without sounding trite, but it's still true.
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  11. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I think you are physically beautiful! Most people here are.

    This is a very weird convo I stumbled into though... so you're average....
  12. magickman

    magickman Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    I don't understand what is so bad about Average.

    That's a problem these days, everything has to be "extreme" to be worthy of mention.
    Hell, look at America's Presidential Nominees. Trump had to be outspoken just to get the same amount of attention as "outspoken" Hillary Clinton. I'd rather just be "outsmokin'...:) " lol

    That's probably why you feel this way. Our modern times are all about Extremes.
    Embrace who you are. I would take average any day over one extreme or the other. Many others would to. Social Justice Warriors have brought new waves of Political Correctness to our front doorsteps.
    Fuck that shit.
  13. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    We all have our insecurities and issues with our mental stability. That's a given. Everyone should and needs to go to therapy. It helps because we are all sad and don't think as highly of ourselves as we should.

    However, that still doesn't change anything about how I feel or think.
  14. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Maybe this is something that happens after you're 30 years old. That's why I can't wait to be 30. I'm so over being immature. I'm already ugly as is because of my facial features. And then I have my average body. So, it's hard. It's not like devastating. Of course, it's not that serious. Well, being ugly due to my facial deformities is a little more serious. But, my body being average, I know isn't that serious. But, still... late night thinking... I got annoyed with myself, so this thread happened. Like I said it's hard... just accepting things for what they are, especially when people make comments about your looks, as if it can be changed, when you can't change it, and all you're trying to do is accept it.

    I do agree with you. And I hope when I get older I can finally accept myself for who I am. All I know is that I'm a honest person, and that's all I have going for me right now. I'll be the first to admit my faults and I know a lot of people can't do that. So, I think I got that going for me, lol. But, everything else is like... damn you, damn you to hell!
  15. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Exactly, everything has to be extreme to be worthy. That's the problem.

    I think people don't understand this thread because they don't have deformities like I do. Because it's not just having an average body that I'm dealing with, it's that I have to deal with having facial deformities as well. It's hard to explain, but it's like regardless of you being average you're still beautiful. I'm average and ugly, lol. So, it's like, I'm not ugly enough to go on Youtube, and have a million people calling me an inspiration while a few people are attacking me for my looks. But, I'm too ugly to be beautiful like all other people are. So, I'm kind of struck. And I'm trying to figure out where I fit in everything.
  16. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    I don't go to therapy and nobody I know goes to therapy.
    It's an American only scam.
  17. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    I understand your reversations regarding therapy, but I think it's good to have therapy because you have someone to talk to that is unbiased towards the situations you talk about. So, they will provide you with different points of views that you may have never considered and that are not tangled up by biases. Also, even though they're unbiased their main priority is your wellbeing, so you have a support system with therapy as well. Simply, it's a place to be able to talk freely, which I think everyone needs because our voices are often times cut off or muted completely.
  18. OldDude2

    OldDude2 Newbie

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    Most of us have friends.
  19. abarambling

    abarambling Banned

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    Friends are not the same as therapy, silly. Lol!

    It's your choice not to want to go to therapy. I understand the stigma therapy has. No one wants to be seen as someone that has mental issues that require therapy. Regardless of therapy being seen like that by society... it's not actually like that.

    The only time I think therapy fails is when the person has a severe mental disorder. People with severe mental disorders might need behavioral modification, monitoring, medication, etc. And there is only so much a mental health professional can do. So, these people fall through the cracks.

    But, other than that therapy is beneficial to everyone else. It's just a manner of whether or not you want to go. And that is perfectly fine if you don't.
  20. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    There is only average insofar as it is understood. WE are all beautiful, all ugly, and all everything and nothing.
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