Imam And His Assistant Fatally Shot In Queens Ny

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by tumbling.dice, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Oh, Queens as in New York

    Thought you meant queen of England's iman, I thought huh?
    3 people like this.
  3. Adventuregirlx

    Adventuregirlx Members

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    Oh. The world sucks. I ran into a dead body last sunday n was first witness. But rip. People are so violent nowadays.
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Like some kind of muslim Rasputin :-D
  5. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    you say that like people weren't violent in the past.
  6. Adventuregirlx

    Adventuregirlx Members

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    true that.
  7. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Tha Assisination looks like Roosevelt Boulevard in Jackson Heights, Queens. There will be plenty of camera footage from those store cameras.

    Its just a matter of time before the assisan is caught. Then we will see who the murderer is.
  8. Old_dad

    Old_dad Members

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    Sorry, but what do you expect with people listening to a guy who says our president is the founder of Isis, and when he realizes what he said is totally stupid trys to pass it off as "he was just kidding". Seems he does a lot of that doesn't it? And he says he wants all Muslims banned, and encourages followers to throw rotten tomatoes at people who don't agree with him, and also tells his "people" (and I use the term loosely) to "punch their lights out" if confronted by protesters.
    With a presidential candidate encouraging violence and racism what do you think people who are easily swayed will do if they think it's OK to do it.
    1 person likes this.
  9. mcme

    mcme lurker

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    Interesting way to say it's Trump's fault. It's just as likely someone who's trying to perpetuate that there's an anti muslim sentiment in the U.S. had them killed to prove or further his point.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Except thanks to Trump nobody needs to 'try to perpetuate' anymore that there's anti muslim sentiment in the US :p So no, it might be possible but not just as likely as the possibility someone took Trump a bit too serious.
  11. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Trump is astonishing; but, his running mate is a total KKK style scumbag. Southern Indiana is a KKK stronghold. The KKK Grand Cyclops was from Martinsville. Other KKK leaders are from Symoure and Columbus.
  12. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    A suspect is in custody, has anyone heard of Trump affiliations?
  13. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

  14. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    your logic is impeccable.
  15. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    The KKK gets way too much airplay these days. For one thing, there is no more "The KKK" and there has not been for decades. Sure, you can find a few disconnected groups of kooks who claim to be klan. And we get to watch a few of the more flamboyant ones get into costumes and mug it up for news cameras to get attention. Hardly the "Invisible Empire" the US had to deal with a century or even half a century ago. The most telling aspect of "The KKK" these days is that they don't actually DO anything.

    Think about that from an altitude perspective. What do those losers actually DO? Spew childish memes on the internet, like any garden variety 'Screen Beret" these days. Pine for the good old days (like when a lot of them were drafted to Vietnam and didn't come back). Any time I bring this up the conversation usually jumps back decades to talk about lynchings and such as if they were current events. When in fact ALL of the people who did those horrible things are dead now.
    Until Obama was elected we hardly heard much about the klan. Now I seem to see them used in the news every week. The speculation in 2008 was that "The KKK" would assassinate Obama. Out of an SPLC estimate of 10,000 members they couldn't even get 1 guy to take a shot. And look at all the other "target-rich" opportunities where "The KKK" could have taken advantage of chaos to murder literally hundreds of black people. And yet, nothing happened. Think about that. If they were really poised for action, how did they let Ferguson, Baltimore and now Milwaukee get away from them?

    For that matter, any holiday weekend in Chicago, Detroit or New Orleans. Why are all those klansmen just sitting on their asses instead of "taking their country back"? Anyway, I just think they're being held up as a way to shame Americans out of some kinds of conversations. Even though most Americans never supported or even admired the KKK. Even when they had millions of members most people wanted no part of them. And that's easy to prove out when you consider they didn't even have political backing in 1965 in the south.

    Thanks for bringing this up. I admit when I grew up in California I never thought about the KKK. When I moved to Atlanta over a decade ago I expected the worst. I thought I'd see cross burnings every weekend, black people beaten in the streets and wall to wall racism. When I arrived I was slapped down by my own prejudices about the dirty racist south. The only KKK I have seen around here was on the news, same as most people. I'm not saying there are no racists around here. Most of them seem to keep a low profile. But every once in a while one or two will stumble out of the hills and end up at the same yard sale or farmer's market as me. Sometimes they are a real study!

    To the actual topic, it may be a long time before we know the truth in this killing. The quick jump to "Islamophobia" and the conclusion that it simply MUST be some deranged right wing Trump advocate is no better to me than watching the Dylan Roof victims get sidelined by of all things a confederate flag grab. I was really amazed by that. I think that people who specifically kill holy men and women are already deranged on a level below the rest of society. With that established I really don't care what they think their motives are. They've proven to be psychopathic, so their opinion is useless to me.
  16. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Hi George, David Duke has recently put out a public statement indicating that he has been inspired by Trumpy & Micky, so he is now running for a seat in the US Senate. The KKK does not officially or overtly operate in public anymore. However, they have learned to operate through surrogates like the 211 Prison Crew who want a white only nation in the northwest states and WAR...White Aryan Resistance. And there are others.
  17. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Regardless, if they were much of a threat, they'd be doing more crap. Nobody takes David Duke seriously since he was a member of the Klan Border Watch. It's probably a scam to con campaign money from weak minds. Supposedly he's no longer affiliated with any klan chapters. As for the other splinter groups, what's taken them so long to get moving? If they're really a threat, what form would it take? Griping us all to death?
  18. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    How the hell did you guys migrate this into a trump KKK thing? Donald is a joke AND also the root of every hate crime now? LOL.

    Lets get a few things straight:

    - Trump is a an unfit, loud mouth idiot.
    - Even a blithering idiot can sometimes manage to speak a simple truth; "The sky is blue", "Islam is bad".
    - Islam is a fundamentally fanatical death cult and is not compatible with a free democratic society.
    - The shooter was Hispanic and hated Muslims since 9-11. This was nothing to do with Trump.
    - No innocent pedestrian deserves to get shot or randomly attacked.
    - These Muslim victims of this unjust violent attack do not diminish the fact that Islam is a real threat to democracy.

    While everyone went off in a Trump blaming tangent, first reason I thought of was maybe the shooter lost a parent in 9-11 or something. Hate is a terrible infliction that we all suffer with to some extent. Endless cycles of violent attacks and retaliations are what us humans do best. A big cog in this machine of death and hate is religion. Religion stifles reason and runs off emotion. This was a christian filled with hate killing a Muslim. This particular Muslim may not have hated, but probably did, lets be realistic. He probably, like most, would never act on his hate but nonetheless represented a group that has caused a lot of death and destruction.
  19. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    There's no Christian tenet for killing these days. Calling this killer a Christian is based on what? There's no church or priest who would instruct him in this. It would be seen by the Christians, the REAL ones, as an arrogant, godless act. It's been a long time since I heard the term "Christian Militia" and then only in a non-US context.

    As for Trump, the last time the US was "afraid" of Muslims a loud mouthed, trigger-happy braggart from Texas was president. Say what you want about him, but pay close attention to who is actually listening. He's also playing the game better when you consider how long it has been since Hillary held a public event. Mind you, I am not saying that he is playing the game smarter. A corporate psychopath running for president is a new phenomenon. Hard to get a read on him.
  20. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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