Diy-Foam Zabuton & Yoga Mat

Discussion in 'Yoga and Meditation' started by steve10, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. steve10

    steve10 Member

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    I was wondering if anyone has had any experience making a zabuton (sitting mat) or a yoga mat from memory foam. I've done some research but am not sure as to what grade of memory foam is best. There is a zen center that is offering a zabuton that uses two kinds of foam but they give no details as to what type is used. The yoga mat is going to be strictly used for Yin/Restorative practice so I'm not overly concerned about standing or balancing asanas, I find doing them on a bare floor better anyway...
    I'd greatly appreciate any info you guys could provide. Thank you, Steve
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    I've made zabutons from multiple layers of thrift-store quilts, and zafus from kapok out of old life jackets (hard to find these days). I've heard of, but not tried, stuffing zafus with shredded thrift-store t-shirts. A zafu needs to be quite firm; sofa cushions and bed pillows are way to "squishy" to offer proper support. The sewing is pretty straightforward; I suck at it, but still made some pretty respectable cushions.
    Make your own Zafu
    newbie-one likes this.

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