The Poor: Cannon Fodder For Anarchist And Marxist Dreams?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Eleven, May 22, 2016.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Maybe I'm a little harsh, but hey, miners get killed in unsafe mines and blue collar workers get injured on their jobs, as radicals, often from privileged families, don't vote, back third party spoiler candidates, etc.

    I copy this from "The New York Times", Sunday May 22, 2016:

    "Tasked with enforcing regulations on whether companies are abdiing by minimum wage requirements, child labor restrictions, affirmative action guidelines, workplace safety rules and a web of other laws, Mr. Harris said, the Labor Department has never been very popular with big business or the Republican candidates it supports.

    And when George W. Bush succeeded Bill Clinton, the change was swift, Mr. Harris said. Budgets were cut and travel to inspect factories and mines decreased. There was less emphasis on enforcement, going into workplaces and punishing violations, he said, and more on educating employers about potential infractions."
    ( we were told by Ralph Nadar there was no difference between the parties, as Nadar enabled Bush's election. Visiting a commune, I remember a woman turning the radio off so she wouldn't hear election news, and sighing that it didn't matter. She was on a commune, not in a mine, afterall.)

    "After Mr. Harris returned to the Labor Departent in 2009, budgets were increased, and surprise workplace inspections were resumed." (of course, Obama was elected)

    from the article titled, "Putting Trump To The Test" by Nelson D. Schwartz
  2. tlucy

    tlucy Members

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    Not sure how those who oppose hierarchy (anarchists) on an ideological basis use the poor for cannon fodder?

    But since were making generalizations about identifiers so broad as to be dysfunctional in this context, let's also add that:

    "Hippies pathologically use pacifism as a cloak for their cowardice - result: not supporting oppressed groups who defend
    themselves when threatened with violence."
  3. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    I've not known large numbers of anarchists and Marxists in my life, but those I have known have not voted. I do know that in Europe in times past, Marxists did not believe in working for incremental reform. Hence, they wouldn't ally with socialists against Hitler. Lenin, he dismantled Russia's democracy as it was being born. A friend once told me Marxism is jealous whenever a person participates in a system that isn't their's.

    I had dinner with some anarchists a few years ago, and when I mentioned how the 2000 election mattered, and that Ralph Nadar was incorrect that the parties were identical, because Al Gore would never have invaded Iraq, one anarchist's counter argument was that sanctions hurt the Iraqi people, before war began. i wasn't impressed with his line of reasoning.

    Anyway. I hope Bernie supporters don't enable Trump, by not voting for Hillary.

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