I Don't Want To Live In A Great Country

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by themnax, May 22, 2016.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    I don't want to live in a great country.

    I want to live in a country that builds infrastructure that is useful to everyone, without being careless of the environment and without anyone having to indenture themselves to use it.

    I want to live in a country that doesn't tell me what kind of house I have to live in. and that means letting me build any damd kind of shelter I feel like, and live in it, and call it my home, anyplace that is far enough from anyone else to not reasonably disturb them. And without having to be bigger, or designed in ways and around concepts to living, I have no use in hell for.

    I want to live in a country where nothing has to be wastefully bigger then it needs to be, nor surrounded by grids of pavement as far as the eye can see.

    I want to live in a country that lets me (and every reasonable and considerate person else, regardless of where they were born or grew up) come and go (into and out of it, as well as around with it) as a law abiding unarmed civilian, any time, place or way I (or anyone else) feel like doing so.

    I want to live in a coutry where everyone is free to create and explore, without fear, stress or anxiety.

    I want to live in a country where I don't have to be wealthy to live surrounded by nature, and without having to give up any of the things i've already mentioned, in order to do so.

    I don't expect every toy I might want to be given to me for free, but I would like to not be unable to buy them because of it costing too much to survive to have anything left to do so.
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  2. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Can't have it all I guess. It takes regulations to make sure the environment is respected. I understand over regulation and legal processes heavily influenced by the industries doing the wrong. Land and resources have always been so heavily valued that wars are fought over the stuff. It is just hard coming from or king class families and trying to forage through life.
  3. I wouldn't worry too much about living in a great country, you don't live in one.
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i know. not sure there is any. or free ones either. but all these damd (undoubtedly corporate bought out) politicians, that's what they're trying to sell everyone to want, instead one anyone could actually enjoy.
    of course people don't seem to want to understand that the automobile is why there's demand for oil either. coal and uranium are for centralized monopolistic energy production, but oil is for the car.
  5. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I am with you on this feeling and desire to live free and in harmony. There are few affordable places in the USA anymore. I've wanted to start a commune for people over 50 yo so good folks could live together, help each other, garden together, cook together, play music together, etc. The Amish seem to have a head start on this. There are counties where they live that have very basic building codes, because the Amish don't use electric company services and other modern stuff. They don't drive cars. So, they rely on horses. There has to be a way where we can live and strive to care for our planet and restore harmony to all life on earth.
  6. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Lot's of Amish have generators and tractors. Oil is for the military. The US military is the largest user of fossil fuels. They do not have ethanol jets, tanks and not all ships are nuclear. Fuel will be rationed sooner or later. All this Cold War stuff going on are land grabs for petrol. Can't even grow crops without deisel. You would hate to pay for a loaf of bread that was planted with a mule team.
  7. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    As long as there is is an economy based on scarcity we'll never be able to have lifestyles the likes of what you're describing
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  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Too many people on the planet.

    We could make most live underground, call them Morlocks

    And only hippies are allowed to live above ground in a self sustaining hippie paradise
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  9. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    The dichotomy here is so conflicted in the modern world. Some commodities are traded tightly because even though we are told supplies are dwindling, we never see genuine outages. Only what seems more and more like artificial shortages. Then we are lamented for throwing away so much food. But that's a very simple way of looking at what really causes this. It may SEEM like people buy too much, but the reality is that too much is normal. Shortages or outages in the food system can cause panic in very short order. Don't believe me? Look how people buy out all the milk and bread when a hurricane or snow storm is on the way. The empty shelves cause people to load up on everything else they can grab. But this is just a reaction.

    The truth is that in order to keep the food delivery infrastructure going, there can be no interruptions. Even if demand for Spanish Tangerines bottoms out in one area, they are still supplied at the same rate because they can't be delayed, they're plants. You can't pause a plant. So even though the market fluctuates, the supply chain stays within a narrow range of fulfillment. If you allowed demand to drive the crop market without futures speculation, you'd have products that went unavailable for months, not hours or days. Worse than that, it could lead to a cascade of breakdown as interdependent crop and transportation systems would also be affected. If they have to lay off packers and handlers when there's no demand, can they really hope to get them back months later when the market shifts?

    I'm personally amazed it works as well as it does. Another thing that keeps demand steady is government food programs, which are part of the department of agriculture. If we pulled the plug on SNAP, 2/3 of the grocery stores in the US would be shuttered within a month. It is a symbiotic relationship. So when I hear foolish pundits suggesting that we'd be better off shutting down this safety net program, I realize it's because they simply do not understand how the system works. Even the fraud in the SNAP system keeps the agricultural cycle going.
  10. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I can certainly understand the analogy comparing Hippies to the Eloi since most of the Eloi appeared to be stoned out of their minds

  11. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    My area is quite affordable, and not too crowded. It's not a high stress lifestyle at all.

    I've been to Amish country in Pennsylvania. That whole scene is so over-rated. The average Amish farmer has inherited farm land currently worth several million dollars. So, they're technically rich. They're not the least bit friendly either. Their churches constantly split because they can't get along with each other. They have a very low opinion of anyone who thinks differently.
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  12. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    [SIZE=12pt]Overrated or not we're all one massive x-class solar flare way from being Amish [/SIZE][​IMG]

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  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    how about a battery powered robotic tractor with on board solar charging. mule team bullshit. we HAVE the technology to not need oil. what dirty energy is for is big corporations to keep their hands in everyone's pockets. i agree the size of the military is rediculous and the percentage of the gnp that goes into it is obscene, when even a tiny fraction of it, could give us world class infrastructure, everyone a free graduate level education, and research stations on the moon and mars.

    and the military, while it consumes more then half the money in circulation, doesn't consume more oil then a nation of everyone having to drive cars. THEY know they won't always have or have access to oil, and are heavily invested in solar and portable simplified ways of harvesting wind energy too. most people don't know, because they don't talk about it much, but i do give them credit for that.
  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    technology itself isn't the enemy. the idea that we have to destroy the planet to have and use it is a load of crap. how we use and choose it is the problem, and that is motivated by demanding excitement and to impress each other and put everyone down who isn't willing to bleed each other to get rich. it isn't automatically a magic wand or "progress" either. over simplification is a way of denying reality and (denying) exercizing logic and the mind. we DO have clean technologies, and we COULD use them to allow everyone to have what the fortunate few or even the majority in fortunate countries are scared shitless of having to loose. which we don't have to loose, but we all will if we keep doing things in needlessly destructive ways.

    not depending on anything you can't fix yourself isn't a bad idea, but fanatical christerism, or fanatical any other religion, is a crock of shit. there might be one god or lots of them, but what people think they know about them, other humans, not gods, pulled out of their ass. no i sympathize with what i believe to have been their motivation for doing so; to try and get people to want to not screw everything up for each other. but their wisdom wasn't infinite and they did make some judgement miscalls and it hasn't always worked all that well.
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  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    economics of scarcity is a choice. it is true that no resource is infinite, and even those that are self renewing can be consumed faster then nature replaces them. that's why too large a population is a problem. and one we could solve by lowering the human birthrate in mostly or even entirely painless ways. but there are so many things, all the time more and more being made to have to be about money, that there really is absolutely no logical reason for them to be.

    just to keep greedy hands in everyone's pockets.

    its not the little green pieces of paper that are unhappy.
  16. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    Good, because you don't live in a great country.
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  17. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    According to Fortune Magazine and using 75 different criteria these are the greatest countries in the world listed in order:

    1) Germany
    2) Canada
    3) United Kingdom
    4) United States
    5) Sweden
    6) Australia
    7) Japan
    8) France
    9) Netherlands
    10) Denmark

  18. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    I agree to some extent, however I also feel as though we are being indoctrinated to believe that a monetary/ scarcity economy is the best way for us to live. Even if there were to be a revolution in the U.S. I doubt we'd actually fix the problems with our current economy.
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  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    every country on this list, and probably most countries that aren't too, has things about it that i like, and things about it that i don't like, and all of them are changing all the time.

    what i don't believe is that there is ANY one size fits all 'best' country, for everyone.
    each person probably has a different country that would be best for who they are, how they feel about themselves, and how they would prefer to live.

    and because there is so much chauvanism and prejudice about nations and ideologies, most people probably don't, live in whatever country they would be happiest if the did.

    and that's why i believe all national borders should be open, to anyone innocently wishing to relocate,
    instead of walls of mostly rediculous regulations and restrictions, for bigots to hide behind.

    if we want to live in a world of indiginous regionalism,
    then we need to restore indiginous tribal authority.

    the idea that states and provences are in any way 'local' authority, is nonsense.
  20. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    On what basis? I think it's pretty great here regardless of our problems.

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