
Discussion in 'U.K.' started by Joshua Tree, May 16, 2016.

  1. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Will you be voting in the referendum as to whether the UK remains in or leaves the EU on Thursday 23rd June?

    I will be voting for the UK to remain in the EU, mainly because I believe the EU has a moderating effect on Tory Government policy. I can see the Tories being in power for some years to come, and if we left the EU I think that would give the Tories complete free reign on domestic policy such that workers' and human rights would be utterly trashed, along with environmental and progressive social policies.

    Though immigration into the UK may need addressing in terms of population growth outstretching resources, I do not believe the answer is to leave the EU, but rather to plan for that growth, which this government has patently failed to do through its' policies of cutting public services to the bone at a time when the population is expanding. To me it seems those advocating Brexit are primarily motivated by xenophobia and isolationism.
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  2. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    I think you've fallen for the propaganda, hook line and sinker.
    The media coverage has been a pack of lies from start to finish.
    And look at scum like LaGarde telling her unashamed lies, because she knows the whole EU story is one falsehood after the other. Teetering on the brink of collapse as soon as the herd starts to see thro the lies and spin.

    In the past, the Establishment was about British based capital exploiting the working and middle class.
    Now that capital is offshore (David Camoron) and co, and one device to exploit people ever more is the EU.

    How the fuck can British people be "protected" by the EU, if MILLIONS are losing their jobs to migrants. Migrants who live crammed in bedsits, leave their families at home (and claim benefits) who can then take their British level wages back to Romania, where it goes SIX OR EIGHT TIMES AS FAR. If anyone thinks thats a "fair" situation, then they need their heads reading..

    The EU is unashamedly saying that it intends to KILL Britain and all the European nation states. It will continue to destroy British culture. And many millions of Brits will experience a lifetime of poor pay, unemployment and trapsing round Europe with their families each year for low paid, short term trash jobs.

    The EU is the epitomy of corporate greed, deceitful media spin and the unfettered forces of abusive capital.
    I mean, I'm a businessman and I can see how evil the whole EU empire is.

    Britain avoided the worst of the Eurozone slump by staying out of the extremes of the Brussel megalomaniac crap.
    The EU "protects" working Brits about as much as a coalition between Margaret Thatcher and Genghis Khan.

    We had all this shit when we were told "how great" the EU would be for Greece and the like...!
    Didn't that work out well! NOT.
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  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I don't pretend to understand politics, but what I do see, I don't like.
    There is no industry in the UK any more, no chance for apprenticeship, there is no goal! Just a bunch of low paying cheap shops and supermarkets! If we came out of the EU, there would be less!
    You GOTO any town shopping centres, shops are closing, but foreign shops are opening! How is that? Where is the money coming from at a time when UK people are stretched to the bone?
    Yes, there needs tighter boarder control, the benefit system is still wrong!
    But to be fair, most of the jobs migrant people are taking, UK people didnt want!
    Most migrants don't have much of a life here, but then, neither are we!
    When are the great brits going to stand against these rich people running our country?
    I say, out with the Torries, then out of the Eu
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  4. Yogamat

    Yogamat Members

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    I believe the entitlement to unemployment benefits need to be changed.Yes brits could do those lower paid jobs (and yes Ive been there and done it myself in the past)so....maybe a new rule should be introduced.If you're unemployed longer than 3mths,cut the benefit.You dont have to stay in that low paid job for the rest of your life,but you gotta start somewhere right?I can recall watching a doco years ago,where a reporter first went to a farm in Lincolnshire.He spoke to several eastern european employee's,all hard working and glad they had jobs.Then the reporter interviewed people coming out of the local Jobcentre.These people stated there were no jobs worth going for.The reporter informed them of the farm work jobs going?Their reply "Nope,wouldnt get out of bed for NMW"! Surely ANY job is better than NO job?
  5. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    But its one thing turning down a job if you have no skills or abilities. What about some working class guy who went to Cambridge and has a glittering cv. And accumulated a load of debt to get qualified. SHould he be told "here's a bog brush, start cleaning shit"?

    Citizens have an obligation to "society" (does that exist any more?). But society has an equal obligation to its citizens. After all, the Cambridge grad did his part of the bargain.

    The mass unemployment we see today isn't accidental, its completely deliberately engineered by the political Establishment, left and right. Some prick called Keith Joseph was one of its earliest open exponents. And long before that, the rat Henry Ford used to boast how he loved to see a "few hungry mouths at the gates" (of his works).

    If I was a highly skilled person like the Cambridge grad, I'd just jump into organised crime. The result of ever forcing people into massively degrading jobs will be a complete melt down of Britain. Much as has happened in parts of the 3rd world, and small parts of the USA etc.

    I mean, should attractive unemployed women be forced to become hookers? Or males to become gigolos/rentboys? Ofcourse not!

    Finally, the propaganda that E Eurs are hardworking and Brits lazy is as vile a lie as "all West Indians sit round eating bananas all day". It should be considered a hate crime, and as such, prosecutable.
  6. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    In the US we are called "racists" when we notice these very same issues. The war on the western world seems to be advancing because we have so many traitors in positions of authority. I think the cheap labor epidemic is just the last chance for the greedy and powerful to grab a bundle of money before the age of automation kicks in fully and unemployment exceeds 50%. I have watched the job market for trades evaporate since the 70s making me glad I learned to do more than just fix things.

    But now I'm a parent of children who are finishing high school and entering college. College is the only practical option as we do not trust the economy enough to invest beyond education. At first we invested mostly in Jane, my wife. My college degree is ancient and way out of step unless Fortran makes a comeback. So I put her through college, twice. Now she has a semi-cushy job of some importance that pays her very well. At a cost of living in some low rent shacks including a 2 room flat in Schenectady.

    I didn't go to college until a decade after I left the Navy, where I learned my first trade. It was after college that I realized the world was changing too fast for me to hope to be an IT genius unless I planned to live in school. I party too much for that to work. So for a while I fell back on Navy shit. I was a welder, a fireman and an electrician. Just like buggy whip making jobs, I have seen so many jobs disappear. Remember secretarial pools? Offices filled with desks and people at typewriters. Rows of accounting offices and an entire floor for marketing. And this model might apply to a single department store or insurance agency.

    Computers shifted the replacement of employees into high gear. Jobs were obsoleted faster than the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Even actors are being replaced by computers!
  7. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think there is something to be said for patriotism here. I'm no xenophobe but I appreciate the luxuries (for lack of a better word) my country provides (U.S.). I think there are some problems (with immigration). But I also think that the solution is to take a stance to enable immigrants and empower them so that they may become great Americans, or in this case Britons. You just have to see it for what it is I think, and stay with the EU. Of course it's also very important to remember that many of these people are refugees who desperately need your help, though sometimes it probably seems like they don't remember that themselves. They do. You just have to take a charitable attitude about the whole thing. Were I a Briton I would not support a Brexit.
  8. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    Your post doesn't make any sense.
    These immigrants aren't refugees. They are Poles, Romanians, Indians, Pakistanis etc.

    Would YOU "charitably" give away your job, career, social security savings, chance of free education and health care? For some Romanian who's gonna feed off Britain for 8 yrs, then go home and retire at 32 to live like a king? If you say "yes", you must think we were born yesterday!

    These people WON'T become "great Britons". Many will be a blight on society eg criminals, Islamic fanatics. Many will trouser everything they can in Britain(living 20 to a bedsit etc!) and move home to Pakistan/Poland where the money LITERALLY goes 6, 8, TEN times as far.
    How the fuck is that "fair competition". Its as plain as shit. Its actually the previous 100 yrs of work and taxes from BRITISH people that means these foreign parasites can make so much money in Britain, nothing else. People are being fucked up the arse. ANd the media tells one whopper after another.

    I read one shitty article claiming Brexiters are only "15% graduates" and the most are "poor, unskilled, ignorant and unwashed".
    What a pack of fucking lies. The dim fucks are the ones who believe all the shit in the press. There's masses of successful, educated Brits who are utterly repulsed by the outrageous fraud that is the EU.

    Part of me says I'd like Britain to stay in the EU. Because I'd feel very smug when Britain gets as fucked up as Greece.

    As things stand, the vote is effectively rigged. Because the Establishment's organs of power are feeding the public a huge misinformation campaign. Slave labour Britain - for the working class, young former middle class, and soon many more Brits.
  9. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    I see the issue of employment as mainly separate to the Brexit debate. The fact of the matter is that the UK no longer has a significant manufacturing base, but is rather predominantly a service sector economy. I believe the financial services industry alone accounts for around ten percent of GDP. Manufacturing has fallen back into recession, shrinking two percent on last year. As a first world country we cannot compete with the likes of China and India on unskilled labour, so I believe it is essential that our workforce becomes more skilled and educated, specialising in e.g. biotechnology, IT services and innovation from the hard sciences. Our state education system is in my view a national disgrace, with a significant minority of the workforce being illiterate and innumerate. We need a state education system which produces highly educated students, and universities which excel at an international level in order for us to survive as a nation in the future world economy.
  10. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I would like to invite you to view the facts in a different light. It can be frustrating to share your home with new faces and constant change. Immigrants can seem unaware and hopeless. There is hope for them if you can just open your heart and offer them a brighter future. No one is asking you to sacrifice your job. The red cross seems to see that there are some immigrants who are in fact refugees! Check out this link and also hit me back for a reply, Kiprat!
  11. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    No, I think we're talking about different things. Britain has a gigantic number of immigrants who aren't claiming to be refugees eg Poles, Romanians, Indians.
    This cheap labour is simply a device to exploit British people in an appalling manner. The immigrants then often go home to live like kings in their own countries. To be replaced by yet more immigrants.

    As for the actual refugees. Well I think these countries are too important to just give up on. We can't take the whole Middle East and every citizen of an unstable place. Or everyone who wants to claim to be homosexual in Pakistan to get a nice well paid job in England!!

    I was appalled by Obama and Cameron creating ISIS so they could turn Syria into an anti Russia, NATO vassal state. THAT is the cause of the problems.

    The solutution has to be temporary camps in the M East. And working with other countries eg Russia and CHina. And stopping the pathetic warmongering games of Bush, Blair, Cameron and Obama. LOck these rats up for life is my answer.

    As for these immigrants coming to Europe, well that is outrageous. Despite being evil, ISIS, Al Shebab and all those other trash groups DO have some popularity - well in a country of lunatics anyway. How on Earth can we solve the problem by EXPORTING the problem to Europe? How can we know which of the 50% or 35% is ISIS and which is peaceful, supposedly "civilised" people. Look how Belgium was shut down just by the fear/possibility of a terror attack.

    Cameron doesn't send his kids to school with young ISIS followers. He doesn't compete with them for jobs. He doesn't get his wife raped by them. He has a phalanx of security 300 yds deep. In short, he doesn't give a fuck if Britain ends up in civil war and the British bodies are piled high on the ground. He's just talking orders from monsters further up the chain. Cheap labour, destabilisation and a continued agenda of war, surveillance and control. He hates most Brits on class grounds as much as he hates immigrants on race grounds.

    ALL countries with a large Muslim population suffer bloody civil wars - Russia, Nigeria, India-Pakistan, Yugoslavia etc The list is huge.
    Its not that I don't give a fuck about Muslims. I don't think we should give up on these countries and export mass terror and death to Europe. Do you realise what maniacs even the "moderates" often are?

    Save these countries from oblivion. And save Europe from bloody mass terror campaigns and eventual civil war. Imagine that in a tiny, crowded island like Britain!! Stop believing the emotive tripe from shady groups with an agenda. Think of what will work as a solution short AND long term.

    These Muslims can't even get on with each other. Even in these early days they are openly RAPING women and children, bombing trains etc. How on Earth do you think exporting terrorists OR fanatics won't do massive harm to Europe. Ever heard of "good cop, bad cop" tactics from them?

    The solution is simple. DON'T RUIN EUROPE, FIX THE MIDDLE EAST!

    PS it almost makes me laugh. Countries like Poland, Romania have been FLOODING into England. Brussels suggests they take some immigrants. These countries universally tell Brussels to get stuffed!!
  12. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    I should add that widespread social deprivation does make the job of teachers much more difficult. They often have to act as social workers as well as educators. Children who turn up to school hungry and with no family role models are going to have little chance of progression.
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  13. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I don't know that much about it to be honest. I'm an innocent bystander in all this. I do think though that everyone deserves a chance at a new life. Fixing the Middle East doesn't seem like it will work. Emigrating is the best strategy for some of these guys. They don't need a stable environment 15 years from now. They need a stable environment today! and school, and medicine, all that stuff.

    In America we have a massive immigrant population ranging from A to Z! I used to get so angry about it. Now I've learned to cope, but I still get hampered up sometimes. Sometimes it seems these people lack tact or courtesy that most of us take for granted. I agree that that is a reason to appreciate ones sovereignty. Anyway...

    There doesn't seem to be a good solution to the problem. I think the best way to deal with it is to accept that there will be immigrants and treat them the way you would want to be treated if you were them. That's always the best policy, isn't it?
  14. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I agree. It's sad as well about them having no chance and all that stuff. I find it so difficult to take it upon myself to do anything to influence their chances for survival, but I guess being patient with them and trying to be helpful wherever I can is something rather than nothing.
  15. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Consider that if we are getting the best and brightest from all of these other nations, we're actually draining those nations of the very people they need to improve conditions at home. So who really benefits from all of this?
  16. Yogamat

    Yogamat Members

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    I would imagine a perspective employer would look at anyone's cv (graduate or not)and be thinking "Hmmm Joe Bloggs has been scrubbing toilets for X amount of time......whereas Joe Smith has been sat on his arse for months on end?I wonder who I should pick???When my youngest daughter graduated from uni with a Law degree,jobs were hard to come by in her chosen field.So what did she do?She found a menial type job,worked in it for a year,and yes got herself a law job!I know who I would choose!For those who dont have a degree,whats wrong anyway with working ANY job,until you find something more suitable?My SIL is a good example.Moved (with my daughter and 3 kids)to another part of the UK,due to taking a uni placement.He didnt work at all during his uni years (6 yrs all up).My daughter couldnt really work due to their eldest child having a major disability.During that time,we endured quite a few calls from my daughter,in tears,crying because their washing machine (and countless other things)had shit itself.We then funded those items.So basically we funded their lifestyle choice.He could of found work in between his studies,but in his words "I'm better than that"!He is working now,but if they are ever in that situation again,we wont be helping them financially.
  17. bez

    bez Member

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    Here's where I stand on brexit. Personally I think Britain should be governed by the 651 MPs that the people of Britain elected, NOT by some faceless beaurocrats in Europe. However you feel about our polititians whatever political party they represent, if their hands are tied due to EU red tape, then what is the point of having a voting system.

    When I die I want to be 6 foot under, as they say, and NOT 1.87 meters. RULE BRITTANIA.
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  18. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    Personally, I'd have a lot more time for someone who educated themselves while unemployed and sold drugs for a living, than someone who voluntarily entered into serfdom.
    Oh and yes, I WOULD give them the job over the top graduate who'd taken to shovelling shit. Doing a shit job is nothing to be proud of. Just my opinion... oh and that of many others. Shovelling shit doesn't prepare talented people for anything. Its just another lie from those who resent talent.The only thing it does is break people's spirits and ambitions.
  19. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    Sure emigration might be best for these economic migrants, criminals, rapists, terrorists AND some genuine refugees. But its not the best solution for THEIR country OR our country.
    Why do u think America is so reluctant to take them? Because it doesn't want another Sept 11!

    The way of solving all this is to stop having monsters like Obama and Bush blowing up countries than don't bend over as their bitch.
    All this migrant flood was caused when the US and others refused to honour their obligations in funding the migrant camps.

    Refugee situations are a tool to harm rival powers.

    Much of Syria is at peace now. If Obama and Saudi etc stopped funding terrorists (oops "moderate terrorists") the rest of the place would be safe. But the powers behind all this don't give a fuck about Syrians. Or Iraqis. Or LIbyans or Afghans. Or anywhere else they trashed.
  20. Yogamat

    Yogamat Members

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    Well in my opinion,I'd rather shovel shit than sit on my backside for months on end,waiting for the "right"job to come along!My daughter is talented,and shovelled shit,and it did'nt break her spirit or ambition,infact it had the opposite effect! Instead of relying on benefits,she felt good about working.Her current employer obviously thought so too!

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