So Confused & Mixed Signals

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by saturnisking, May 6, 2016.

  1. saturnisking

    saturnisking Members

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    LONG story short, theres this girl at work (were both lesbian) I find her to be touchy, outgoing and talkative, shes especially more touchy with me more than anyone. She's initiated play fights with me, snaps my necklace across my neck. One time she even got really close to my face as I was talking to another coworker. As she was getting close to my face I noticed her head was tilting. Whether it was for a kiss or not idk, I dont think she would kiss me in front of another coworker, behind a customer service desk. O_O She's always joking with me and being sarcastic. Some days she talks and other days she doesn't say much. One day, I thought she was having a quiet day so I didnt say hi to her. She asked me "so you're not talking today?" and I jokingly said no. She replied by saying "fine, we just won't be friends anymore." This honestly caught me off guard. I didn't know she considered me a friend. I never see/ talk to her outside work. She doesn't really know a lot about me. So being called friend surprised me. I said "We're friends?" I think that hurt her feelings.
    The next day at work, I said hi to her, she looked me dead in the face and ignored me. so I said "Oh youre not talking today?" She goes, "We're not friends, I dont have to talk to you." I told her over and over again i didn't mean it in that way. I don't know why she got so sensitive about it. Anyway, after all that, at the end of the day, I did give her my #. She has yet to text me. That was monday. It's now Friday.
    Like I said, she didn't really know me like that, I'm just an acquaintance. so for her to get so sensitive about it makes me wonder if she likes me?
    Maybe she's being cautious, afterall, she does have a tattoo that says "trust no woman."
    Maybe she's busy with college stuff and exams and graduation.
    or maybe she just dont like me lol xD
    what do you think.
  2. Jennysexy

    Jennysexy Members

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    My Liam was like that with me when I first met him I noticed he was acting strange around me and both of us didn't speak much for like 2-3 months before he ask me out and I thought after going on a date with him I thought he was a total prat because of a joke he made which I didn't find funny (now I see the funny side of it) and I was a hard chase for Liam I didn't give Liam any signal for like 2 months after he asked me out. Try and talk to her ask your colleagues to chat with her and get them to ask her for her opinions on you that's what Liam done with me he asked his friends for weeks on end about me and we've been together 3 years nearly
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  3. Yogamat

    Yogamat Members

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    If you're not attracted to this lady "that way"then I'd say her behaviour at work is inappropriate!I once worked with a boss who was gay.(I'm female).Anyway if I was sat at my computer,he would come up to me,and kiss the top of my head!! I jokingly at first told him to quit it.Then....he started telling colleques we were getting married?(Im married!)I had to talk to him about his behaviour,and unfortunately it ruined our working relationship.I then had to endure frosty atmospheres at work,and later quit my job because of it.The lady sounds like hard work to me,either a a friend,colleaque or other.I'd ignore her.
  4. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    Sounds like the makings of a really good sex-flic, to me.

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